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This website is about Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ). I'm a black belt who started in 2006, teaching and training at Artemis BJJ in Bristol, UK. All content ©Can Sönmez
Showing posts with label teaching closed guard attacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaching closed guard attacking. Show all posts

26 July 2021

26/07/2021 - Teaching | Closed Guard | Armbar from 2-on-1 grip break

Teaching #961
Artemis BJJ (7 Easton Road), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 26/07/2021

An armbar is one of the various options you have off the standard 2-on-1 grip break. For that grip break, gather their opposite sleeve in your fist (i.e., a pistol grip), then your other hand goes underneath their arm, grabbing your own wrist.

With that configuration, you can either punch straight up to break their grip, or angle your hips away slightly. Make sure that you maintain your grip on their sleeve, straightening your arm. You want to push their arm across their body, while simultaneously pulling in with your knees. The intention is to collapse them on top of their arm. Due to the grip configuration, your outside hand can reach around to their far armpit. You would then normally hook your fingers in for a solid hold, then twist your elbow in firmly. Combined with your stiff-arming sleeve grip, that should rotate their torso and make it hard for them to turn back towards you.

For this armbar, you will instead grip firmly around their back, swimming your other arm under their same side armpit. That means you can lock your hands behind their back, in order to keep their arm firmly stuck. Push off their hip to swivel, angling your body perpendicular to them. From here, you can then push their head out of the way with your head/collar grip. That should make it easier to bring your hip-pushing leg over their head. At this point, you can switch to grasping their wrist with your hand if necessary, or wrap over the top with your arm. Squeeze your knees together, lift your hips and pull down gradually on their wrist for the tap

A common problem is that your partner will 'stack' you up onto your shoulders, making it difficult (though not impossible) to finish the technique. This is a common problem with the triangle too. To prevent that situation, push with your legs, as well as really knocking your partner's posture when you kick across with the armpit leg. You can also 'walk' back on your shoulders to recover a more extended position if they are squashing you. Finally, angling the leg you have by their head can help (like on Adam Adshead's old DVD), as that makes it tougher for them to push into you.


Teaching Notes: I haven't taught this particular set up for the armbar before, but it feels like a handy additional option off the 2 on 1 grip break I often teach. The tricky bit is the rotation, to position yourself perpendicular. I found that looping your same side arm under their arm bit with the other around the head made for a solid control, leaving your legs free to push and swivel you into position.

17 June 2019

17/06/2019 - Teaching | Closed Guard | Armbar (Step on the Hip, plus Cross & Clamp)

Teaching #880
Artemis BJJ (Easton Road), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 17/06/2019

For this fundamental attack from the guard, you first need to get control of their arm. There are numerous ways to do this, but in the interests of keeping things simple for drilling, a straightforward option is to grab their opposite tricep with your hand, then pull that across your body. You're then going to put your same side foot on their hip, clamping the knee of that leg behind their shoulder (essentially you're trying to take away their space, as well as blocking them from easily pulling their arm backwards).

If they're wearing a gi, grab their opposite collar with your free hand (keeping a firm hold of their arm with your other hand) and pull them down. If it's nogi, grab their head. Next, kick your free leg into their armpit, aiming to further break their posture and get your leg across their back. You're also going to use that to swivel your own body away from their trapped arm and get a better angle. From here, you can then push their head out of the way with your head/collar grip.

That should make it easier to bring your hip-pushing leg over their head. Slide the arm you're using to control their arm up towards their wrist. At this point, you can switch to grasping their wrist with your hand if necessary. Squeeze your knees together, lift your hips and pull down gradually on their wrist for the tap.

A common problem is that your partner will 'stack' you up onto your shoulders, making it difficult (though not impossible) to finish the technique. This is a common problem with the triangle too. To prevent that situation, push with your legs, as well as really knocking your partner's posture when you kick across with the armpit leg. You can also 'walk' back on your shoulders to recover a more extended position if they are squashing you. Finally, angling the leg you have by their head can help (like on Adam Adshead's old DVD), as that makes it tougher for them to push into you.

For a fun additional option, I also like to show the cross and clamp armbar when there are more advanced students in the class. From a double sleeve grip, you are aiming to cross their arms over. Sometimes you may be able to just pull them over, but you can also get them to help you by pulling their arms apart. The natural reaction is to resist by bringing the arms together, which is when you can switch directions to cross them over.

Fling your legs up high, right up over their shoulders. Lock that in place, squeezing hard. You need to have the pressure above their elbows in order to get the necessary leverage. When you have that squeezed in, you can simply pick an arm and pull on the wrist, in the direction their elbow is pointing. Be careful on this, as they won't be able to tap easily: listen out for them saying 'tap', or using something else like their foot.


Teaching Notes: Make sure people don't cross their feet, emphasising that tends to relax the leg muscles making it easy to dislodge the legs. Highlight that you should be looking at your knees. Having the cross and clamp to throw in is useful, if there are more advanced people there, so I did that again today. Also because I wanted to get it on video. ;)

14 June 2019

14/06/2019 - Teaching | Closed Guard | Scissor Sweep (armpit hook & reverse scissor variations)

Teaching #879
Artemis BJJ (Easton Road), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 14/06/2019

If you're having trouble with the standard way of knocking them over in a scissor sweep, Xande has a useful suggestion to change the leverage. Instead of kicking your leg across, shift your leg position. Rather than your knee diagonally pointing at their opposite shoulder, put it vertical so it is against their same side shoulder. Hook your foot by their armpit, then complete the sweep as before, but with a diagonal kick towards your opposite shoulder rather than a kick across. It's a subtle difference, a good option for when your partner is heavily resisting the standard option.

Less orthodox still is the reverse scissor sweep. When you try to hit the scissor sweep, you may find that they shift their weight to block it, or try to grab your knee. Either way, that means you can then change to a reverse scissor sweep instead. Your shin is either across their stomach for the scissor sweep, or as Kev recommends, going higher and angling the knee up into their chest. You've also got a grip on the collar as well as their same side sleeve.

Rather than pulling them onto you and chopping out their leg, switch your sleeve grip to their opposite sleeve, then yank their arm across their body. The elbow of your gripping arm can be used for base. From the typical collar and sleeve grip, it can be tricky to adjust. John Will uses a slight variation, on his Mastering Sweeps DVD (which I bought from him at his excellent seminar a few years ago). Rather than gripping the collar and sleeve, he advises gripping and then pushing your palms inwards, rather than leaving any slack. This makes it a bit easier to switch their arm to your other hand, as you already have a grip, rather than having to use your collar grabbing arm.

If you're using standard collar and sleeve, release your collar grip arm and reach around to their opposite armpit, bringing them in tight. As when you're trying to take the back, you need to press your chest into the back of the arm you pulled across their body, so they can't pull it back out. Sit up into them, then drop back. This should enable you to fling them over in that direction with your braced leg (this should feel effortless: if you're straining, then adjust, as without good leverage you could hurt yourself) and move into side control. You should also end up in a great position to cross-face.
Teaching Notes: A lot of people don't immediately grasp the difference between the standard scissor sweep and the armpit hook. The way I think best explains it is talking about kicking yourself in the opposite shoulder, though that is a motion that can be tricky. The Xande video sums the three typical scissor sweep variations up nicely.

On the reverse scissor, making sure they sit up is the thing to emphasise, along with the placement of the knee. It's up by the same side shoulder, not diagonally towards the opposite shoulder like in a standard scissor sweep.

12 June 2019

12/06/2019 - Teaching | Closed Guard | Scissor Sweep (standard & push variation)

Teaching #878
Artemis BJJ (Easton Road), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 12/06/2019

Start by getting a deep grip on their opposite collar, then with your other hand grab their same side elbow or sleeve. Alternatively, you can grip their wrist and pin it to your chest. Rener makes a clear distinction here, as he suggests grabbing the sleeve if they are pushing into your bicep, grabbing the wrist if they are pushing into your chest. Either way, your intention – and this is true for lots of sweeps and reversals – is to prevent their ability to post with that hand. That makes for a straightforward test for whether or not what you’re using is effective: can they put their hand/elbow on the mat and prevent the sweep?

The next step is to put your foot on their same side hip (or the floor, depending on your preference) and shrimp out slightly, to make space to insert your knee. Slide that knee over, once again to that same side, until your shin is across their stomach. Hook your instep around their other side. Another option (which I prefer) is to angle your knee towards their shoulder, pushing forward with your knee at the same time as you pull on their gi (this can act as an entry into the triangle too). That also makes it much tougher for them to shove your leg down and pass, a potential vulnerability of the shin over the stomach. There's yet another version from Xande, as he shows how you can hook under their armpit for the same effect.

A key detail is to get them off their heels. Sit up into them, then drop back with a secure collar grip in order to move them. Alternatively (or in addition), raise your elbows towards your head, so that you're pulling them up onto your shin. The aim is to load them onto your leg, which in turn means that their weight is no longer heavy their own leg, making it easier to chop. Extending your torso back, rather than remaining curled up, may help that weight transfer as well. Kid Peligro suggests squaring your torso up, really arching your back and looking over the shoulder nearest the ground: Xande similarly arches away for extra leverage. You want to be on your side as you do this.

Having hopefully made them lighter, drop your other leg to the mat, chopping underneath them as you bring your hooking leg over. You can then roll into mount. Ryron has two handy tips here. Firstly, use the heel of your hooking foot to swivel and clamp to their side, becoming a leverage point to assist your shift into mount. Secondly, bring the elbow of your sleeve gripping arm further backwards, to put your opponent even more off balance. Should you have trouble chopping into their leg, you can also switch to a push sweep. This works in exactly the same way as the scissor sweep, except that rather than chopping, you put your foot into the side of their knee. Push it out and back (describing a semi-circle), which will knock out their base in the same way as chopping. You can then progress the sweep as usual.

Whichever sweep variation you use, maintain that grip on their collar. This will serve you well as you sweep them to mount, because you can then go straight into a submission. The choke is there, the armbar is a possibility too. At the same time, be wary of their escape: if you need to remove your grip to base, better to hold the mount.
Teaching Notes: People were making the usual mistake of not lifting the elbows right up, so I'll keep emphasising that. More people seemed to get it when I did the review at the end, talking about 'airing out your armpits'. Perhaps that works better as a visual cue, bit of humour is always good too (makes me wish I was naturally funny, makes teaching way easier ;D).

I combined the standard sweep with the push sweep, which I think works well. I also showed a number of people the Xande armpit hook variation, which I could show as part of this class, but I think that might be overloading it. I'm going to teach it separately on Friday, together with the reverse scissor sweep. We'll see how that goes, particularly if there is anybody in that class who hasn't seen the scissor sweep before.

24 August 2018

24/08/2018 - Teaching | Closed Guard | Instep to neck sweep into armbar

Teaching #797
Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 24/08/2018

From the instep to neck position, swivel and kick to knock them over. A butterfly hook is a handy method for adding extra leverage. Once you've knocked them over, you can either submit them from your crossed feet position, or swivel into a standard armbar.
Teaching Notes: Looks like I forgot to write notes on this again, meh. From what I remember, generating the right leverage on this can be awkward.

22 August 2018

22/08/2018 - Teaching | Closed Guard | Instep to neck armbar variations

Teaching #796
Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 22/08/2018

You're looking to do the usual legs over etc, but can't quite lock the position. Swivel and turn your leg, so that your foot is now pressing into their neck, your knee pointing away and close to their body. Keep control of their arm. Wrap your arm over the top so the wrist is in your armpit, then angle inwards for the submission (a sort of americana).

If they are starting to pull free, you can try and gogoplata them instead, reaching behind their hand to grab your foot. It's a throat crush though, so not a submission I'm keen on. I prefer the option of using that to sweep them over. You can then swivel your other foot in to cross over their neck and submit them from there.

In the guard, you can also swivel both feet in for the armbar. Alternatives are turning to lock your other leg over. Swivel and turn the top knee in to return to crossed feet, or switch legs and continue the spin to your leg over on the other side. To adjust, you can stick one foot into a spider guard position and bring the leg into locking position from there. That becomes a flowing drill.

Teaching Notes: Considering this isn't a simple technique, I thought it went pretty well. It's important to emphasise the two big safety points. First, watch out for the knee, as it's in a vulnerable position. Second, on that bend towards the arm, it must be done slowly. Don't sit up, just bend.

With the leg switching, I think the rule is swivel toward the knee of the hooking leg. That seems to apply ok. I didn't add in the roll them to mount, though I did mention it to some more experienced people in drilling. That could work as a separate class, we'll see on Friday. ;)

15 January 2016

15/01/2016 - Teaching | Closed Guard | Scissor & Push Sweep

Teaching #450
Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 15/01/2016

Start by getting a deep grip on their opposite collar, then with your other hand grab their same side elbow or sleeve. Alternatively, you can grip their wrist and pin it to your chest. Rener makes a clear distinction here, as he suggests grabbing the sleeve if they are pushing into your bicep, grabbing the wrist if they are pushing into your chest. Either way, your intention – and this is true for lots of sweeps and reversals – is to prevent their ability to post with that hand. That makes for a straightforward test for whether or not what you’re using is effective: can they put their hand/elbow on the mat and prevent the sweep?

The next step is to put your foot on their same side hip (or the floor, depending on your preference) and shrimp out slightly, to make space to insert your knee. Slide that knee over, once again to that same side, until your shin is across their stomach. Hook your instep around their other side. Another option (which I prefer) is to angle your knee towards their shoulder, pushing forward with your knee at the same time as you pull on their gi (this can act as an entry into the triangle too). That also makes it much tougher for them to shove your leg down and pass, a potential vulnerability of the shin over the stomach. There's yet another version from Xande, as he shows how you can hook under their armpit for the same effect.

A key detail is to get them off their heels. Sit up into them, then drop back with a secure collar grip in order to move them. Alternatively (or in addition), raise your elbows towards your head, so that you're pulling them up onto your shin. The aim is to load them onto your leg, which in turn means that their weight is no longer heavy their own leg, making it easier to chop. Extending your torso back, rather than remaining curled up, may help that weight transfer as well. Kid Peligro suggests squaring your torso up, really arching your back and looking over the shoulder nearest the ground: Xande similarly arches away for extra leverage. You want to be on your side as you do this.

Having hopefully made them lighter, drop your other leg to the mat, chopping underneath them as you bring your hooking leg over. You can then roll into mount. Ryron has two handy tips here. Firstly, use the heel of your hooking foot to swivel and clamp to their side, becoming a leverage point to assist your shift into mount. Secondly, bring the elbow of your sleeve gripping arm further backwards, to put your opponent even more off balance. Should you have trouble chopping into their leg, you can also switch to a push sweep. This works in exactly the same way as the scissor sweep, except that rather than chopping, you put your foot into the side of their knee. Push it out and back (describing a semi-circle), which will knock out their base in the same way as chopping. You can then progress the sweep as usual.

Whichever sweep variation you use, maintain that grip on their collar. This will serve you well as you sweep them to mount, because you can then go straight into a submission. The choke is there, the armbar is a possibility too. At the same time, be wary of their escape: if you need to remove your grip to base, better to hold the mount.

Teaching Notes: My plan was to link this to the palm up palm up choke, as often when you do that, you'll find it hard to get the second grip. Instead, you can go for a scissor sweep, a palm up palm down choke, an armbar etc. The armbar connects better with the palm up palm down choke, as for that one you're angling off with your legs. I like being able to combine techniques in that progression, especially as all of them also work in isolation.

Now that I have a whole month and five classes a week to play with, compared to one a week and only a fortnight (which is how I started off teaching before Artemis BJJ), there's lots more scope for this kind of fun. Hopefully I'll have even more classes to play with in the future: in an ideal world, I'd spend all day teaching, sparring and drilling (though I think I'd always want two evenings off a week and my Saturday free, as it's importance to have balance, like my latest tattoo says ;D). I'll get there one day.

After class we headed off to a nearby bar to celebrate Kirsty's birthday (I don't drink, so none of those beers were mine: my diet is bad enough without adding alcohol to it ;D). Cool to spend some time chatting about BJJ and some of the upcoming coolness, like the trip to Belgium. I'm looking forward to the Globetrotter camp, where we'll get loads of time to socialise as a team. Before that, we have the awesomeness of Pieminister after Chelsea's seminar at the end of January. :)