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This website is about Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ). I'm a black belt who started in 2006, teaching and training at Artemis BJJ in Bristol, UK. All content ©Can Sönmez
Showing posts with label book review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book review. Show all posts

04 May 2016

Book Review - Becoming the Black Belt (Roy Dean)

Short Review: A BJJ biography in a comparable vein to John Will's Rogue Black Belt series, Roy Dean's second autobiographical book takes the reader from Dean's beginnings in BJJ, right through to building a successful school with black belt graduates of his own. As you would expect from Dean, it is eloquent, with a 'traditional' martial arts feel. He's a skilled writer with an interesting story to share, so this is an engaging read, particularly if you're an aspiring school owner. It's possibly a little pricey at £7/$10 for 154 pages, but still affordable.

Full Review:When it comes to biographical books about Brazilian jiu jitsu, there isn't a huge amount of choice, at least in English. There's the Carlos Gracie book by his daughter Reila, John Will's recollections in his Rogue Black Belt trilogy, Marshal Carper's adventures in Hawaii, Christian Graugart's academy-hopping trip around the world and most recently, Val Worthington's Training Wheels. If you broaden it out to MMA, many more choices become available (with articulate voices like Sam Sheridan), but for pure BJJ, it remains limited.

Roy Dean has already had one entry into this market, although in his first book he spoke more about aikido and his time as an uchideshi. In Becoming the Black Belt, the focus is squarely on BJJ. I can't think of another book that manages to trace a complete journey, from BJJ beginner through to senior belt, the struggles and triumphs of building up a successful school, then finally discovering that your passion lies elsewhere. The tone of the book reflects Dean's well-regarded DVDs, presenting BJJ from what you might call a traditional martial arts mindset.

That starts with Nic Gregoriades' discussion of bushido in his foreword, continuing through to Dean peppering his first chapter with terms like 'warrior' and 'rite of passage'. It isn't a perspective I share on BJJ or martial arts in general - unsurprising, given I have never been interested in developing a spiritual side - but it also isn't required to enjoy this book. What most caught my interest was Dean's depiction of the US BJJ scene in the early 2000s.

Brazilian jiu jitsu is a young art outside of Brazil, its expansion catalysed by the first UFC in 1993. Roy Dean was present a few years later, just as BJJ was consolidating its foothold in the United States. He made his way to what remains the epicentre of BJJ in the States, and by extension the key site for the sport outside of Brazil in general: San Diego. Training in California at that time meant he dropped in to the legendary Lions Den headed up by Ken Shamrock, before deciding on Roy Harris, a man well worth an autobiography himself (though his reputation has recently taken a hit, due to the understandable uncertainty over his controversial online ranking system).

Aside from history, there is considerable material that relates to everyday training, which reminds me a little of Mark Johnson's two books discussing BJJ. For example, a salient point about the enormous boost a good training partner can bring to your progress, which for Dean was integral to his development. That man is Brad Hirakawa, who gets a number of name checks (as for an entirely different reason do I, due to meeting Dean at his UK seminar a few years ago).

As Dean's book moves into the fourth chapter, he explores the competition mindset and the importance of aggression. I dislike aggression both on and off the mats and therefore have my own strong views on the topic, but Dean makes some good points about his need to develop that killer instinct to turn around his tournament performance. He's very good on describing competition fights, including a match with a certain Nick Diaz. If all of those are from memory it's hugely impressive, but I assume there was some video footage too (as Dean frequently mentions a sponsor with a camera).

There is the odd minor error, such as describing the Dirty Dozen as the first twelve Americans (John Will is Australian and part of that select group too), or a very occasional typo, but they're rare. Also, they might well be corrected in the final version of the book, rather than the review copy I read. Dean's instructor Roy Harris was in that Dirty Dozen group as well: he is a running theme throughout the book. Many people will have read the engaging account by Harris regarding his own progression to black belt, but there are still a few tidbits in Dean's book that add to the story.

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Given it is an autobiography, there are non-BJJ elements (yes, there is life outside BJJ ;D). For example, Dean talks at length about his studies into music and digital media. His mastery of the DVD medium makes more sense after reading that: I was aware he had some academic training in audio visual, but this gives you specifics (e.g., ProTools and the like). There are also a few nods to his love life, but they fortunately (from my perspective, I guess others might want to read romance) take up very little space in the book.

I was much more interested in his thoughts on setting up an academy. Alongside the questions about business and self-employment, Dean also adroitly deals with the political issues that invariably crop up when any group of humans grow over a certain number. He has never been one for gossip, so those hoping for juicy discussion of internal school troubles won't find it here: he keeps it professional.

His financial perspective on assistant instructors is interesting, and an issue where I'd have to disagree with his stance. They're helping your business, so at the very least should not be charged anything (though in fairness, it is a model Dean tried first before changing his view). The situations he found himself in as a school owner - and then goes on to describe and analyse - are not scenarios I can remember reading in any other BJJ book. I might be forgetting one of course, but either way, these situations aren't commonly discussed outside of forum hearsay.

The narrative arc of the biography is intriguing, the kind of story I enjoy reading in interviews. To be specific, the good interviews, as opposed to a young competition-focused athletic type telling you how much they train every day. I want to hear from somebody with real life experience that has something to share, experiences I can relate to and possibly learn from. That's what you'll find in these 151 pages. It's an engaging read, which I would especially recommend if you're a current or aspiring instructor/school owner.

Dean's book is available in ths US for $10, or in the UK for £7. That is perhaps a smidgeon too pricey for 154 pages, given that Val Worthington's comparable BJJ non-fiction release is a hundred pages longer for the same cost, but it's not an outrageous charge. I'm also not sure of word count, as I read Becoming the Black Belt as a PDF rather than a kindle book.

25 December 2015

Book Review - The Combat Codes (Alexander Darwin)

Short Review: Alexander Darwin, who holds a brown belt in jiu jitsu, has created a world where MMA is the main tool for diplomacy. Competently written with an engaging plot, Darwin weaves BJJ together with cyberpunk. If you liked The Hunger Games and Harry Potter but thought they didn't have enough punching and grappling, then this may be the book for you.

Full Review: For as long as I can remember, I have loved fantasy and sci-fi. Like many English Lit graduates, I've also had a half-written book in a drawer (or rather, a succession of folders on several generations of PC) for ages. So when I was contacted via r/bjj by Alexander Darwin about his BJJ sci-fi novel, the prospect was intriguing. The first book I heard of which combined sci-fi and BJJ was something set in 'Jenarium' by a Gracie Academy affiliated author in Australia, advertised on the Gracie Academy website back in 2011. I don't know if much ever came of that: searching for it now, lots of stuff about a concept album comes up, but nothing much on a book (although the guy is still writing, apparently).

Given that BJJ is about rolling around in pyjamas, it isn't an immediately obvious fit with the world of spaceships and phasers. There was that episode where Kirk got his judo on, along with the weirdly tai-chi inspired dance Worf occasionally did in the holodeck (the writers dropped the ball on that one: I am convinced there is no chance Klingons would really do tai-chi, they'd be all about the muay thai and wrestling), but mostly if you're going to fight in sci-fi, you're going to do it with lasers. Or at least a lightsaber.

You therefore need a conceit to make unarmed combat work. Darwin has come up with the idea of nations settling their disputes with MMA, reminding me simultaneously of my old favourite Battle Circle (at least until I re-read that as an adult and realised Piers Anthony had some weird ideas about children when he was writing that) and much more recently, The Hunger Games. There are also echoes of another long-standing favourite of mine, The Verdant Passage from the sadly neglected Dark Sun universe (which also produced two of my favourite old school RPGs).

Darwin is pretty good on fight scenes, aiming them squarely at aficionados, but sufficiently articulate that your aunt who keeps asking you "how's the karate going?" can get the gist too. For example, "Capitalizing on bottom position, [he] grabbed [his opponent's] elbow and dragged the limp arm across his body, using the leverage to pull himself up and around onto his opponent's back." It can be quite bloody sometimes (imagine a world where "knock out, submission or death!" wasn't just early UFC marketing hype), but no more than the young adult fiction that has conquered the cinema in recent years. There are lots of made-up words, which again is par for the course in sci-fi and fantasy. Darwin gets the balance right, fleshing out his invented universe without getting into Moorcock realms of laughably silly nomenclature ("the tower of B'aal'nezbett" still makes me laugh).

Yet I did find some of the terminology jarring. That's not because Darwin was looking through his prog rock thesaurus, but due to borrowing from the 'real world' of BJJ and judo. For example, mata leão, omoplata and kata guruma. Later on, there's a chapter introduction which features five judo throws in quick succession: like 'omoplata', 'sasae tsurikomi ashi' is a very specific term. The Combat Codes even features a whole arena of people shouting 'Osssuu!' Just when you thought you'd left those guys behind at the Carlson Gracie Academy... ;p

You could argue that might fit if this was a 'future earth' scenario, as in many sci-fi books (I won't name them, just in case of spoilers). Or alternatively, if we're imagining that this is a translation from some indecipherable sci-fi language, with Darwin acting as the reader's babel fish. Other BJJ elements slotted in more comfortably for me, like the way Darwin includes rashguards and spats as a 'second skin'. Rashguards have always felt sci-fi anyway (the space faring crew of the USS Enterprise are all basically wearing them, after all), so I can accept the idea that futuristic athletes might use them as training gear. The gi is harder to swallow in that setting, but Darwin makes a good stab at backing up their existence.

Fellow BJJ and MMA fans will notice there are plenty of in-jokes to be found in The Combat Codes too. A certain Jos Danahar crops up as having a "master grasp of strategy", there's tough striker Mack Hunt, or you could head to Saulo's Circle. There's a line that could have come right off Ryan Hall's DVD on the triangle, giving some technical tips. Darwin even manages to discuss some hot topics in BJJ today within the context of his book, particularly the prevalence of performing enhancing drugs in our sport. Generally The Combat Codes wears its cyberpunk aspects lightly, but there's enough gadgetry and the like in there to keep us sci-fi fans happy.

In terms of female characters, I'm not sure if this book would pass the Bechdel test (though I didn't check for it), but there is at least one strong female protagonist who has a significant impact on the plot. There may also be more in future continuations of the story: The Combat Codes is book one of presumably an intended trilogy. I'll be interested to see where Darwin takes the story and if he's able to expand the scope. Writing something the length of a novel that can hold a reader's attention is hard enough, let alone basing it believably around BJJ: Darwin manages both. If you enjoy BJJ and dystopian sci-fi, then you're likely to enjoy this too.

10 August 2014

Book Review - Mastering the Crucifix (Matt 'Aesopian' Kirtley & Marshal Carper)

Short Review: Artechoke Media have mashed together DVDs, books and instructional websites to create a new way of learning. This innovative format features descriptive text, animated GIFs from multiple angles and embedded videos, appealing to multiple learning styles at once. Even if you're uncertain about moving away from orthodox instructionals, with more than three hours of video content, Mastering the Crucifix can satisfy a traditionally-minded audience as well.

Guided by Matt 'Aesopian' Kirtley, Mastering the Crucifix breaks down the titular position into two main variants (kneeling and the traditional face-up positions), along with a range of entries, troubleshooting and Kirtley's trademark reverse omoplata. Some of those descriptions might benefit from a close-up on grip details and a slow-motion option, but those are minor quibbles. Either way, given the considerable quantity of content, this is good value for money at $39.95. Available to buy here from Artechoke Media.

Update Dec 2019: It looks like Artechoke Media has sadly decided to close down their shop, but fortunately Mastering the Crucifix is still available to buy from Digitsu instead, here.

Full Review: Artechoke Media was founded by Marshal Carper, who already has experience in the instructional market after working with luminaries like Marcelo Garcia. For Artechoke's first major release, he's teamed up with the Godfather of BJJ Blogging, Matt 'Aesopian' Kirtley, a black belt under Eduardo de Lima who has been active posting great content on the internet for over a decade now. has covered numerous techniques across that long period. The most notable is probably the reverse omoplata: Kirtley has gone on something of a crusade to prove that this is not the complex, advanced position that many (including me) feel it is and therefore dismiss out of hand. For this initial foray into commercial instructional products, Kirtley has decided to explore the reverse omoplata as part of a broader position, the crucifix.

This too suffers from a perspective that it's a novelty move, though perhaps to a lesser degree than the reverse omoplata. I've only very recently incorporated it into my game, thanks to a Dave Jacobs seminar back in April. It's entirely changed my approach to the turtle, although I haven't yet had much of a chance to test it in class. I'm therefore planning to revisit this review when we do another month on the back position at my Bristol BJJ club, Artemis BJJ.

The instructional market used to be focused on books, based around a sequence of illustrations with some descriptive text. That later progressed to photographs, adding motion with the arrival of videos. A couple of decades after VHS hit the scene, DVDs took over: that is still arguably the medium of choice today, though it is losing ground to a more recent innovation. In the last couple of years, there has been an explosion in instructional websites, originally starting with pioneers like Jean Jacques Machado and Jason Scully's Grappler's Guide, before hitting the mainstream with MGinAction and Gracie University.

For their own instructionals, Artechoke Media have come up with something new, combining several of these formats into one. Having previously tested the format with an earlier free offering, Artechoke's Mastering the Crucifix isn't a book, a video or an online instructional site. It's all three at once. There is the descriptive text of a book, moving images like a DVD (not to mention an actual video at the bottom of most pages) and (to a degree) the functionality of an online instructional.

You can navigate through the book via the online contents page, hyperlinked to each section. There's also a drop down menu you can access in the top right when reading through the book. Clicking on a heading brings you to a selection of animated GIFs, accompanied by a normally concise segment of written explanation. The pictures begin animating automatically: on my not especially fast connection, there were no issues with that part of the book (it isn't quite a book, but I'll keep using that term for ease of reference). There is also a video at the bottom of most pages, giving you something akin to the DVD experience on top of everything else. Remember to turn off any flash blocking plug-ins you might have on your browser, or make an exception for the Artechoke Media page: otherwise those videos won't load.

Another advantage of an online model is the potential for interactivity. Each page of the book has a comments section underneath, linked to Facebook. As this is still a new book, I can't see any comments so far, but if it takes off, an informed technical discussion could add considerable value to Mastering the Crucifix. Even an uninformed conversation may be beneficial, highlighting further common problems that a comment thread could go some way towards answering. It may never happen, but I'll be checking back in a few months to see if anything changes.

Unlike many instructional websites, it is also possible to digest the material offline as well. There is the option to download a PDF version, where you can click on the pictures to load up embedded videos. If you right click, there are multiple options, such as floating video or full screen viewing. It could be further improved if there were some additional features, like slow motion, but it's a promising development. As with the online version, you can navigate via links on the contents page.

The PDFs are large and split into sections: for example, the first of the four parts is thirty-three pages long, but all those embedded videos mean it is almost 500 megabytes of data. There is also the option of downloading the book as EPUB files, but those are larger still. I wasn't able to get either PDF or EPUB to function on my Galaxy Note, having tried several different EPUB and PDF apps, but your experience may vary. I was able to read the PDFs with no problem on my laptop.

Many companies in BJJ have adopted clunky '90s squeeze page marketing, promising 'secrets' and 'but there's more!', often touting artificial scarcity as motivation. In marked contrast, Artechoke have a much less obnoxious approach. They offer you a straightforward free preview of the book, providing access to all of Chapter 2. There's no catch, no attempt to sign you up to a mailing list and no endless sequence of cheesy testimonials.

Mastering the Crucifix starts off with an introduction from Kirtley, reminiscent of the popular biographical segments in Victory Belt publications (before they moved their focus from martial arts to paleo diet books and the like). That connection with the author was often a Victory Belt highlight: sometimes, it became a significant proportion of the text, as when the publishers gave free rein to Eddie Bravo in Mastering the Rubber Guard.

Kirtley's introduction to BJJ is one I can relate to, as a fellow geek. This isn't some world champion telling you how they trained really hard in some sweltering Rio academy, it's a Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast describing how they went from pen and paper to the distinctly physical world of grappling.

The technical detail begins with basic crucifix set-ups, mainly entries. Sensibly enough, that starts with an introductory summary that has a quick GIF to represent each sub-section. The goal is to encourage readers to think of the crucifix as a potentially major part of their arsenal, rather than as something put beyond reach by complexity or a low percentage novelty move.

Kirtley's first entry is a counter-attack to a takedown attempt, shown from three angles at a steady pace. Due to those GIFs, much less technical explanation is required in the text. That enables Kirtley to instead write more generally, with points like "The key is recognizing the opportunity and seizing it." In common with several other books, there is a 'what not to do' section, where the relevant GIF is outlined in red to indicate it's an error.

At the bottom of the page is the first of many videos (03:17 minutes), running through the details covered in the preceding text and animation. There are lots of sponsors that pop up at the start, to be expected from a project that relied heavily on crowdfunding to reach completion. Seeing all those sponsors every time you want to check the video is a little irritating, but that 10 seconds of advertising is much less annoying than the increased cost not having them there would presumably necessitate.

That then progresses to countering a fireman's carry, entering the crucifix by trapping the arm and flipping over the top. Kirtley notes that this is risky and needs good timing: respect a skilful fireman's carry. Going for your own takedown is a better strategy. The video at the bottom (02:43 minutes) again summarises what happened before. I assume that the same footage was the source material for the GIFs, but I can't be totally certain of that.

In every video and GIF (there is a single exception, when they switch to nogi), Kirtley wears a blue gi while Carper is in a white gi. That's against a white background and what looks like a wooden floor, so they're either being hardcore or on unusually patterned mats. Having mats printed to look like concrete would be kinda cool, come to think of it, as then you could pretend to re-enact Gracie Jiu Jitsu in Action. ;)

A third option to enter the crucifix off their takedown is sprawling. As Kirtley discusses, this is a fundamental skill to develop, especially if you are a regular competitor. Kirtley supplies a solid basic explanation, with details like whether or not to be up on your toes. The video is a little longer this time at 05:34 minutes, replete with the sense of humour readers of and listeners to his podcast know well.

Next up, how to move from that sprawl into the front headlock, establishing a 'side ride' position. Cross-face their turtle by reaching over their shoulder, past their neck and to their opposite armpit. Kirtley's video this time is 02:32 minutes long. The related spin behind follows, initially a fast version (03:24 video), then two more measured options (06:28 minute video). That's a bit like Roy Dean's backstep: Kirtley sees this technique as essential for smaller grapplers in particular, allowing you to maintain a dominant position against bigger opponents.

In the course of demonstrating the spin right to the back, he notes how if they flatten out, you'll end up in side control instead. That's the more common application: this is how I would use the technique, because I'm happiest (at least at this stage in my BJJ) when I'm either in side control or mount. Getting to the back is positionally even better, so it's worth taking it that step further if possible.

Passing can give you a chance for the spin behind too, as they turn and try for an underhook. Kirtley shows how this might work with the bullfighter, x-pass, knee cut (he calls this 'cross knee') and leg drag. The video at the end (03:51 minutes) combines all of those passes, broken up individually in the GIFs above.

There is often quite a lot of talking with each video, something that makes sense given the reduction in descriptive text (generally speaking: some pages have a lot more text than others). However, if this was purely a DVD, you would probably expect those videos to be more concise. It does depend on preference: Saulo is a classic example of somebody who talks a great deal, which some people find enlightening, while others view it as an overlong pause before the technical meat.

Section 1-5 moves on to some grips when you've got to the turtle 'side ride'. Harness/seat belt is the basic one, then gripping the wrist. If I was being picky, I would have liked another angle on the spiral ride, to get a clear picture of what the hand by the hip is doing. You've also got 06:46 minutes of video to help further cement your understanding. It's worth noting that there is the option to make the video full screen and pause it, both potentially mitigating a lack of close-up grip detail.

Kirtley next adds a few pointers on preventing them recovering guard (04:52 video), then a back take: Kirtley notes that while the crucifix is great, don't pass up opportunities for more orthodox attacks if they present themselves (04:18 video). Unlike some of the other shorter closing videos that act mostly as a summary, there is quite a bit more detail here than in the text and animation. For example, the point on holding the back with a single hook and crossing your legs, accompanied by various other details on the application and set-up for the back take.

Getting into 1-5c, the clock choke is not easy to see, given the nature of the submission. I would probably add in a grip detail here, clarifying what you're doing with the collars by the neck. Kirtley acknowledges in the 03:42 video that you aren't able to see what he's doing during that finish, so mimes the action before he enters into the technique. Still, I think this section would benefit from a shot of the finishing grip and action, perhaps photographed from underneath, or simply shown out of context with the person getting choked sat upright and in view of the camera.

1-5d includes a few drills for maintaining control against turtle. Interestingly, this page does not go with animated gifs for the mistakes, but a textual list. The 05:40 minute video again adds in several details not covered in the GIFs or text, such as covering the back of your head for safety if you're the one in turtle. Kirtley even has some coaching tips, such as instructing your students to imagine that their sternum is stabbing through the middle of their partner's back. He also notes how that will change as people become more comfortable with the drill, because you're not staying clamped to the middle of the back as you move around. Speaking as somebody who does teach, I'm looking forward to trying out these drills on my students.

Getting into the crucifix proper, there are many different ways of isolating the arm and trapping it. These range from smoothly technical to the brute 'caveman' solution. As Kirtley puts it, "if it's stupid and works, it's not stupid." Crude pain compliance is in there too: that can work, though personally I try to stay away from anything that relies largely on pain rather than leverage, or where pain is an unavoidable consequence (perhaps a foolish concern on my part given I'm doing a combat sport, but meh, I don't like hurting people). That large amount of information is reflected in the longest video so far, as 07:40 minutes. 1-7 puts all the steps together, coalescing the build-up into a few examples of how the drills can combine into crucifix entries. There's a a 03:51 closing video to end this segment of the book.

Chapter 2, 'Crucifix Fundamentals' is the free chapter, so be sure to check it out whether or not you were planning on buying the book. Kirtley splits the crucifix into a number of variants: the kneeling crucifix, traditional crucifix, submissions for each of those positions, then recountering escapes.

2-1 Kneeling Crucifix covers the one-on-one grip, a little reminiscent to the entry I learned from Jacobs, but using your second hand for base rather than grabbing both wrists. That's followed by some more details on keeping your balance and control in that position, both summarised and expanded in a 05:01 minute video.

2-2 Traditional Crucifix moves into the position most people have in mind for the crucifix, face up with their arms trapped. Logically, Kirtley moves from the kneeling crucifix into how to reach that face up position (02:32 minute video), using a rolling motion. He notes that you won't always have the momentum for this roll, so you can wait for them to give it to you.

In my limited use of the crucifix until now, I've been using the approach Dave Jacobs taught in April, where you basically walk backwards and fall into the crucifix. Kirtley doesn't teach that specific option, but approaches it in 2-2b. The entry here is sitting back, without a walking motion: you simply yank them back with your seat belt. Within the 03:31 minute video, there is another entirely different entry to the crucifix, digging your knee under their arm when you're in a sort of reverse side control position, facing up.

The next section is especially good, as like Kirtley writes, it connects to the "normal jiu jitsu game," showing an entry as a back escape counter. This is among the greatest benefits of working on the crucifix, as it enhances your approach to the back in general. Since attending that seminar, I've found myself doing something like this transition a couple of times when countering a back escape. Once again, there are several additional pointers in the 02:54 minute video.

Like the clock choke, I would have liked a grip detail on the 'Power Half Nelson' from 2-2d. I had a little trouble seeing exactly how Kirtley was locking his hands from the GIFs. However, it is perfectly clear from the 03:09 minute video. Watching that, I can see it is coincidentally the same grip I saw somebody use yesterday at the open mat when holding back control.

2-2e is an especially important section, describing how to maintain the crucifix, reflected in the greater length of the 06:55 minute video. The GIFs are helpful, with some examples of how they can escape, but the video has much more information. An instructional that includes maintaining a position and troubleshooting potential counters is infinitely more valuable than the submission and sweep catalogues that have been a mainstay of the market up until more recently.

Of course, once you can maintain, then it's possible to move into those submissions. 2-3 looks at attacks from the kneeling crucifix, beginning with a straight armlock in 2-3a (02:54 minute video), then three variations on the RNC (standard, palm-to-palm and one-handed) in 2-3b (05:54 minute video). The section finishes with a guillotine, where they switch to nogi: Kirtley finds he doesn't go for them much in the gi. This particular variation is from Marcelo Garcia and arguably finishes from guard, though Kirtley does start it from the crucifix (04:48 minute video). They are wearing similarly dark rashguards, making it harder to distinguish what is going where (not a major problem, as that's it for nogi in this instructional).

Having examined kneeling crucifix submissions, it's time for face-up crucifix attacks in 2-4. Kirtley kicks off with the signature crucifix choke, apparently called the 'hell strangle' in judo! This time, there is a grip detail: helpful, but as mentioned in the text, this is probably the simplest choke associated with the crucifix. Kirtley makes an interesting switch of grip at the end, for when they get defensive on one side of their neck. I tried that variation the first time I read this chapter a month or two ago without much success, but it's clearer now that I've watched the 04:28 minute video

Rear naked chokes are up next in 2-4b. Kirtley suggests using what he calls the 'pinkie-knuckle grip' as he feels that is tougher for them to break. It's visible in the GIFs of the choke, but the 04:47 minute video makes it clear, particularly if you're watching full screen.

Straight armlocks produce a comparatively massive 07:55 minute video, emphasising the importance of combining attacks. I can't see myself using a neck crank, appearing in 2-4d, but that's personal preference (I'm wary of leg locks for the same reason, but I imagine I'd view them differently if I regularly used leg locks/neck cranks and had a greater understanding). Kirtley highlights the danger of cranks, an importance safety note, further investigated in a 05:14 minute video.

2-5 is all about recountering escapes, starting with the Marcelo Garcia seat-belt strategy. This was mentioned briefly in the section on maintaining the crucifix, getting a more in depth look here. It's a recovery to the standard back position, rather than the crucifix. To continue with the crucifix, there's also some discussion of getting that arm back if it slips free. The video at the end spans 05:24 minutes.

There is a simple switch into side control if you lose the crucifix, with the option to go to a spinning armbar (02:46 minute video), until the chapter ends with a kimura off the same turn (03:10 minute video) and the kimura as a control to take the back (04:17 minute video).

Chapter 3 is all about Kirtley's speciality, the reverse omoplata. He has been championing that technique on for a long time now, with some notable success stories (like a guy who managed to learn the technique from Kirtley's site to the extent that he's even won MMA fights with it). I have a pathological aversion to anything seemingly flashy or complex and like I've mentioned already, I also shy away from anything that has (or seems to have) a high likelihood of causing serious injury.

The reverse omoplata has been accused of all three, so the only way this could be further outside of my comfort zone is if there was some kind of leg lock in there too. I was therefore interested to see how this technique would be introduced, as well as 'sanitised' for an unwilling audience. Kirtley makes an important point right at the start:

First, let’s de-stigmatize the name. Plenty of people have a hard enough time with normal omoplatas, and adding “reverse” to any technique usually doubles the perceived complexity. “Reverse omoplata” is a double offense. Maybe using the names “kimura with leg” or “rolling shoulder lock” is less intimidating. This technique has little to do with the regular omoplata, aside from both using the leg to crank the opponent’s arm and shoulder.

Having heard that there was going to be a whole chapter on the reverse omoplata, I had initially been a little put off the book. While I want to work on the crucifix, I have little interest in the reverse omoplata, for the reasons Kirtley points out. As my frame of mind is one he explicitly sets out to change, this would be a good test of how persuasive he can be.

The opening video is beefy at 07:31 minutes, breaking the technique down into five steps. Kirtley has gone for the option of showing it all at once before breaking it down. That has the advantage of providing context for the coming sections, a sensible structural format. You could perhaps argue that it does also further scare people off if they're already hostile to the technique, as showing it all at once emphasises the complexity to those who have pigeonholed it under "too advanced for me" before viewing. That's probably unavoidable though, given that there is rolling and lots of fiddling with legs and arms involved.

Kirtley begins with a troubleshooting section. The initial part includes an armlock that looks a bit like the kneeling crucifix shoulder lock from the Jacobs seminar. However, this is very much on the arm rather than the shoulder and it's also fairly easy to escape (intentionally so, as that escape puts their arm in position for the reverse omoplata). It becomes clearer after you watch the 03:48 minute video.

The next point is about staying committed to the rolling component (03:26 minute video), then conversely on preventing them rolling out (02:11 minute video). 3-2d appeals to me, as that discusses how to complete the reverse omoplata without rolling. taking them backwards or sideways instead (05:48 minute video).

In 3-2e, I got confused by the description about running behind, but the 02:11 minute video cleared that up, as it demonstrated what he meant. In 3-2f, there is lots of rolling and spinning, where again the 03:20 minutes of video helps to clarify what is going on. The chapter finishes off with a drill for the reverse omoplata, but there is no video, just a GIF.

Mastering the Crucifix ends with a fourth part discussing advanced crucifix set-ups. As with the reverse omoplata, Kirtley tries to mitigate the intimidating connotations of the term 'advanced': "The advanced aspect is that they may require you to know another technique to create a combination or may call for a heightened sense of timing, or expect you to be confident in your crucifix control." That's builds on the idea of 'basic' as meaning "does not require a pre-requisite", a useful definition.

Pre-requisites are certainly required for the next section, as this chapter is all about countering and combining techniques. For the opening combination, it is assumed that you have a good handle on your stack pass, or this method of going into the crucifix right off the pass is not going to be of much use to you (04:57 minute video). That's followed by countering their pendulum sweep attempt (03:29 minute video), then dealing with the star sweep (from BJJ: Theory and Technique) by essentially dropping directly into the kneeling crucifix (03:11 minute video). The link between these sweeps is that they are already gripping your leg, making them vulnerable to the crucifix leg configuration.

In 4-1d, the focus is on countering sitting guard (03:06 minute video), but it's applicable whenever they hug your leg from a guard position (Kirtley suggests you might have stood up in butterfly guard as well, or perhaps they're attacking from de la Riva guard). It's another technique that you could fit into a 'normal' BJJ game, especially if people at your academy play a lot of sitting guard or similar styles.

4-1e follows a comparable pattern, as again the situation is that they have wrapped a leg, this time from deep half. Although this is something Kirtley has been developing to deal with his instructor's penchant for deep half, it's cool how he carefully acknowledges his sources right at the top, then again in the 05:04 minute video.

After all those counters, Kirtley demonstrates how the crucifix can be part of your offensive guard arsenal. Using the technical stand-up in 4-2a (03:28 minute video), you can snap them down and then enter into your crucifix: this could slot in with the cross-grip series I've been looking into recently.

Kirtley suggests the technical stand-up can work even better from butterfly (02:57 minute video), or you can use an arm-drag (04:23 minute video). Next in his guard section, Kirtley gives you a insight into how the stiff-arm/sit-up escape system might look when it's covered in the next Artechoke Media release, showing how you can use that principle to counter a stack and enter your cruficix (04:34 minute video). He then covers a counter to the over-under pass, making it look very easy (04:31 minute video), before finishing with a crucifix entry against the 'bear hug' pass (03:00 minute video).

The very last chunk of technical discussion is all about what Kirtley calls the 'Big Step' (05:40 minute video). It is a way of skipping a few stages en route to the crucifix, but requires the experience and sensitivity to maintain your balance in an awkward position. There are a number of applications, condensed into a single page. Unlike most of the other sections in Mastering the Crucifix, this doesn't split out any further. That puts you at the end of the book, leading to the 'download e-book' page, followed by a quick advert for Jeff Rockwell's upcoming sit up escape instructional.

I am a big fan of BJJ companies that are willing to innovate, such as the use of hemp in the gi market. Artechoke Media are leading the way when it comes to innovation in the BJJ instructional sphere, but there is an inevitable question: does this improve upon the alternative? After reading through the book a couple of times and watching the videos, I think you could argue that readers would get just as much out of it if there was no book or GIFs and the videos had been released as a DVD instead. Only having access to the videos through the cloud is limiting, as it means you can't watch these away from a WiFi connection unless you've got an excellent data plan on your phone.

Having said that, there are a number of advantages to the format Artechoke Media have chosen. The GIFs are especially helpful if you just want to quickly review a technique, rather than watching the entire video again. The manner in which they are available offline in PDFs/EPUBs is (as far as I'm aware) unique in BJJ and a considerable advantage, although it is a shame the PDF versions don't appear to function on mobile devices (though I'm purely basing that on my Galaxy Note). There is also scope for interactivity, if Artechoke Media and Kirtley are able to generate an ongoing discussion with readers.

That is a big if: in my experience with instructionals so far that permit a level of interactivity, the only example that appears to be achieving a reasonable degree of interaction is the Grappler's Guide. Most of the other sites I've seen so far struggle to go beyond the occasional comment from readers saying "great video!" If Artechoke Media can build on their current Facebook functionality, the potential is huge.

In terms of level, I would not recommend this to white belts (there are very few instructionals I would recommend to white belts: beginners tend to lack the frame of reference to get much out of supplemental material). Above that, this should be suitable for blue belts and up, as long as those blue belts have spent a lot of time attacking the turtle. You'll also need to have a good internet connection for the videos, though once you've watched them a few times, the embedded videos in the PDFs should provide a sufficient refresher. I had the occasional connection issue with the videos, but given that my internet package isn't very swish, I would assume that is a problem at my end rather than Artechoke Media's site.

I'm looking forward to future Artechoke Media projects. Kirtley was a good choice to start things off, as he's a charismatic presenter able to use humour to keep the audience interested. He also has an excellent reputation among the internet-savvy segment of the BJJ population, a prime market for a product like this. Jeff Rockwell is a similarly well-regarded figure on the net and a very good teacher: I can vouch for that personally, having trained with him a couple of years ago. I'm also excited at the prospect of Val Worthington's book, mentioned in her recent interview.

If you want to develop some more attacking options against the turtle, then Mastering the Crucifix will provide plenty of ammunition. I'll be stocking up my own limited arsenal during the next back month at Artemis BJJ, when I'll return to this review for an update.

Update October 2014: I've now spent a month focusing on the turtle position at my school, especially the crucifix. Both in terms of teaching and training, Mastering the Crucifix has worked pretty well as a supplemental tool. I was already beginning to use the crucifix as a result of the Dave Jacobs seminar, but Aesopian's book has helped solidify it as an attacking position for me. His tips on the crucifix armbar were excellent, helping me both improve my own usage of the technique as well as teach it. Most impressive of all, I found I was able to teach a class on the reverse omoplata to complete beginners, without anybody struggling to complete the motion in sparring.

Mastering the Crucifix is available to buy here from Artechoke Media for $39.95. Considering that you get a book, a heap of animated GIFs and over three hours of video, that's good value for money (by contrast with something like The Black Belt Blueprint, which would have been greatly improved and justified its price tag if it had adopted a format like Mastering the Crucifix).

Update Dec 2019: It looks like Artechoke Media has sadly decided to close down their shop, but fortunately Mastering the Crucifix is still available to buy from Digitsu instead, here.

09 February 2014

Book Review - The Black Belt Blueprint (Nicolas Gregoriades)

Short Review: Within the one hundred and seventy four pages of The Black Belt Blueprint, Nic Gregoriades has attempted to create a manual for jiu jitsu that touches on all aspects of the martial art. You will find not only techniques, but physical and even mental conditioning as well. There are sections on preparing for competition, attitude toward training and how to make the most of your time in Brazil. The technical sections are geared towards concepts rather than the typical step-by-step analysis in other books, though personally I would have preferred a greater level of detail on some of the explanations. Fans of what you might call the spiritual approach Gregoriades professes in his various media outlets will be pleased to see that is represented here too, with discussions of how meditation, visualisation and awareness could help your jiu jitsu. You can download it here.

Full Review: I first met Nic Gregoriades on my first day of jiu jitsu, back in 2006 when he was a brown belt. Since then I've had the pleasure of benefitting from his instruction twenty times over the last eight years, mainly when he was a regular teacher at the Roger Gracie Academy HQ in London. Gregoriades has also been running a well-written website for a number of years now, the Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood, along with various videos and podcast projects that have helped raise his profile since then.

For his first book, Gregoriades has gone the self-publishing route, presumably for more control over the end product. The days when most BJJ instructional books were published by Victory Belt seem to have passed, though DVD sets are still making an impact (such as the recent releases from Ryan Hall). Yet there are also a growing number of people self publishing in BJJ, such as Gregoriades, Christian Graugart and Mark Johnson. In a possibly related trend, a new independent publisher hit the scene recently, Artéchoke Media: I'll be mentioning them again later.

The BJJ instructional book market has arguably been overshadowed by Saulo Ribeiro's excellent Jiu Jitsu University, released six years ago. It would be difficult to equal that book in terms of straightforward technical explanation, though there are a few (such as Ed Beneville's series or Marcelo Garcia's Advanced BJJ Techniques). Gregoriades takes a different approach: he isn't looking to present a comprehensive technical overview of BJJ, like Saulo's book, or a close analysis of a more specific area, like Beneville.

Instead, Gregoriades attempts to follow in the footsteps of Marc Walder and especially John Danaher, whose Mastering Jujitsu sprang to mind as I was reading The Black Belt Blueprint. Like Danaher, Gregoriades begins with theory and concepts instead of techniques, but he goes even further in moving away from simple technical breakdowns. That can be seen from the section headings: 'Before You Start'; 'The Framework'; 'Concepts'; 'On The Mat'; 'Invisible Jiu Jitsu'; 'Improving Off The Mat'; 'The Jiu Jitsu Lifestyle'; 'Further Resources'.

Gregoriades gives the reader some excellent advice in his introduction: "Keep in mind that reading books and watching videos about jiu jitsu is not doing jiu jitsu. Just as you will never learn to swim if you don’t get wet, neither will you become a jiu jitsuka if you don’t get on the mats and train." That should be stated in every BJJ instructional. A worryingly high proportion of beginners look for a shortcut and forget this point, instead developing immense reference libraries, full of books and DVDs they either never read/watch or simply don't understand.

I also very much liked Gregoriades' view on what he calls his 'method', which he describes as "not necessarily the ‘best way’ or the ‘only way’, but merely ‘a way’." There are a few otherwise brilliant instructors who lack such refreshing flexibility. He goes into detail on that point as the 'Before You Start' (nine pages) section begins:

"In jiu jitsu, as with any discipline, there are several different styles and approaches to the teaching of the art. I am not claiming that my method is the best, only that it has worked for me. During your own jiu jitsu journey I implore you to continue questioning. When you dogmatically commit to a belief or method without questioning it, your growth will inevitably come to a halt."

He also promises to help the reader "become their own teacher," following the theory of teaching someone how to catch their own fish as opposed to handing them one you caught earlier. Though this is a laudable goal, it can also be a risky proposition in the context of jiu jitsu. Numerous beginners try to circumvent the long path to competency by fixating on an alleged magic bullet, ignoring what their instructor is teaching in class. In BJJ there are no magic bullets, but that does not stop eager beginners from seeking them out.

Rather than beginning with any technique, Gregoriades gets down to the practical matters that need to be dealt with before you can begin the learning process. You first have to find a school and buy the necessary equipment: although there is the option of turning up in shorts and a t-shirt, most will eventually want to buy a gi. Gregoriades has a selection of gi recommendations, but as gi preference is very individual, any experienced practitioner will probably have their own quite different list in mind.

Much of the list comes down to personal taste, but the one point where I would disagree is Gregoriades' insistence that you should not use a judo gi for jiu jitsu. I can see his point in the long term and especially if you want to compete, but for a beginner, I regularly suggest buying a judogi as a cheap alternative when you're still deciding if you want to stick with BJJ. I wore a judogi for many years and never found it detrimental to my training.

The next section, dubbed 'The Framework' (thirty-two pages), begins with a potted history of Brazilian jiu jitsu (there were some errors in the press copy I was sent, presumably corrected for the public release), followed by an examination of the positional strategy integral to BJJ. That also brings up the first technical illustration. Unlike almost every other instructional jiu jitsu book, this isn't a colour photograph. Instead, the image has been manipulated so that the two figures are on top of a blueprint-style background, one figure entirely in shades of black while the other is rendered in white. That's an effective method of distinguishing the two, as it makes limb placements and grips very clear.

Generally speaking, The Black Belt Blueprint is heavy on text. There is normally at least one picture to help the reader, but that contrasts dramatically to works from Saulo and Beneville, which cram pages full of photographs to explain a single technique. Gregoriades has also taken on the ambitious goal of appealing to all levels. A conceptual approach is one possible method to appeal to both ends of the skill spectrum, but it is a considerable challenge to strike that balance of keeping veterans interested while at the same time staying simple enough for novices.

Gregoriades runs through each of the major positions, where he discusses their strengths and weaknesses, your objectives in those positions and some straightforward tips for the person on the bottom and their opponent on top. Just like Saulo and Royce in their books, Gregoriades is unimpressed by half guard. He believes it is overrated, as "no matter how good you are from that position, you will always be at a disadvantage against a strong top player."

Moving on from the nuts and bolts of technique, Gregoriades launches into a section he calls 'the Three Pillars of a Black Belt.' I found myself disagreeing with the first part, though this comes down to personal approaches to jiu jitsu. In what proves to be a recurring theme throughout the book, Gregoriades emphasises the importance of 'attribute maximization.' He makes the point that "you need to maximise your attributes if you want to maximise your jiu jitsu." That is entirely distinct from the route I have tried to take, which is to develop a game relying as little as possible on physical attributes, so that it is still functional as I get older and my attributes decline.

Having said that, Gregoriades is not wrong: as he goes on to say, a stronger, fitter individual will possess a considerable advantage over somebody who may be technical but is weak and out of shape, whatever techniques they prefer to use. If you develop your physical conditioning that will undeniably make you a more formidable opponent, but it is not something I personally focus upon at all. Then again, I am not a competitor: it is in the tournament that those physical attributes really start to count, where especially at the higher levels a small advantage can be the difference between victory and defeat.

The second and third pillars are less likely to rile weaklings like myself, covering conceptual understanding and technical knowledge. Gregoriades then presents one potential route through the belt levels, suggesting goals for each stage: again, whether or not you agree is going to come down to personal preference. My favourite is the progression laid out by Saulo Ribeiro in Jiu Jitsu University, whereas others might prefer the older article by Roy Harris, name-checked by Gregoriades here.

Part three of The Black Belt Blueprint investigates 'Concepts' (twenty nine pages), opening with a topic close to Gregoriades' heart: breathing. Like many in BJJ, Gregoriades has long been in awe of Rickson Gracie, the mystical figure we saw in Choke back in the '90s, destroying his competition while simultaneously adopting the persona of a spiritual guru. Breath control is a key part of Rickson's system, something I experienced first hand at his seminar last year. Gregoriades also believes in the importance of breath control, illustrating this section with a picture of Rickson.

Gregoriades advises returning to the source of Rickson's breathing prowess, yoga. In the last few years Gregoriades has become an enthusiastic proponent of yoga, a mission he continues with his book. Different styles of yoga are described later in The Black Belt Blueprint, along with their specific benefits. To help the reader better understand his points on breathing control, Gregoriades includes a link to a video. He does this frequently throughout the book, which you could argue is an advantage of an eBook: you can click the link and immediately load up the video.

Personally, though this is just my own preference again, I would rather have read further descriptions in the text, as I find it distracting to have to switch to a different medium. I also wonder if those links are going to remain live. They are mostly from TinyURL, so should stay active, but with any redirected URL there is a certain risk it could go down (TinyURL might go bust, change their terms of service, etc). Then again, that is just as true of any other link, plus TinyURL has the considerable advantage of being short. It also means Gregoriades can link to a specific timestamp in the video without the hassle of an unwieldy web address.

Artéchoke Media has developed an option that might develop into a superior method, embedding animated gifs into the text. So far, they have produced one free sample eBook to test out the method, '3-D Jiu Jitsu'. Currently, they are having their cake and eating it by including an embedded video too. If someone is able to produce an offline eBook that also features animated gifs, that could be a real step forward in the instructional book market.

Following his discussion of breathing, Gregoriades fleshes out a number of different concepts, such as angles, contraction and head movement. I was reminded at points of John Palmer's "control point theory", eloquently explained by Gregoriades. This conceptual section is probably the strongest of the book, broadly applicable across jiu jitsu. For example, the 'B.O.S.S.' principle (standing for 'back or side and shoulder'), referring to putting them on their back if you're on top and getting onto your side and shoulder if you're on the bottom.

The pictures are helpfully augmented by arrows and lines to explicate those concepts, such as two red lines to highlight the impact of angles on certain techniques, or directional arrows to indicate movement. For several of the concepts, Gregoriades adds pictures to demonstrate the application of the concept, such as the amplification of leverage in a scissor sweep when you move your hips in closer. That's similar to the earlier positional illustrations, where Gregoriades contrasted a poor control with a strong one.

The fourth part of the book is titled 'On the Mat' (twenty five pages) and is the closest Gregoriades comes to a typical instructional volume. He runs through a few techniques he feels are important, switching to the standard sequence of full-colour photos to bolster the text. It remains easy enough to distinguish the demonstrators, with one person in a white gi and the other in blue. Gregoriades kicks off with a series of fundamental movements, like bridging and shrimping. I would quibble with some of it (such as his suggestion to drive through your heels when bridging instead of pushing up off your toes), but then I'm only a purple belt.

Next is Gregoriades' selection of essential defensive techniques. Guard recovery and turning to the knees under side control makes sense, as does the elbow escape under mount, but a standing guard pass seems out of place. Then again, you could argue that's defensive in the sense you are escaping the guard: I presume that's the reason for its categorisation here. As with the movements, Gregoriades includes a series of photographs to help the reader understand the technique, step-by-step.

Logically, he follows it up with essential attacks, comprising the straight armlock from guard, cross-choke from mount, scissor sweep, bow and arrow, then finally the triangle. The visual representation changes, as each attack is illustrated by just one picture. That might not be an issue if the accompanying text was more expansive, but it does not always add a great deal to the picture. For example, for the cross-choke there is no description of how to actually apply the technique at all. Gregoriades simply says it is high percentage, it requires balance along with patience and Roger Gracie uses it really well. You are unlikely to glean much detail about the cross-choke from that explanation.

Gregoriades does then link to an eight minute video, but again, I would have preferred some pointers in the text. The description of the straight armlock is similarly brief, followed by another video link. For the scissor sweep, the breakdown is longer, finished unusually with an exhortation to check out YouTube to find a suitable video. Perhaps this section is not meant to be instructional, but merely seeks to advise the reader on which techniques they may want to focus upon if their time is restricted. The section finishes off with an examination of grips and a short primer for competition preparation.

The fifth part of the book, 'Invisible Jiu Jitsu' (eighteen pages), is where Gregoriades indulges what you could call his 'alternative' leanings. Ever since I've known him, there has been this element of 'New Age' to his thinking and practice, which has continued to crop up in his podcast projects like London Real and recently The Journey. The tagline of the latter indicates what I'm talking about: "The Journey is a bi-weekly podcast conceived with the intentions of sending positive messages out to the world and raising the collective vibration of our planet."

In The Black Belt Blueprint, this outlook can be seen in the encouragement to develop awareness through internal and external 'focus exercises', as well as the highlighting of meditation as an essential means of further developing that awareness. Speaking from experience, I know that this is something Gregoriades likes to include in his classes as well, based on the lessons I've taken with him over the years. Though it is not to my personal taste, it's worth considering. Gregoriades also doesn't spend too much time attempting to convince the reader that they should try exercises like meditation, as opposed to the aggressive proselytising of an Eddie Bravo on a pot rant.

The chapter soon shifts into more familiar BJJ concepts, like leaving your ego at the door, trying to reduce energy expenditure during sparring and the importance of good balance. 'Improving off the Mat' (nineteen pages), the book's sixth section, suggests visualisation as another useful tool, along with flow diagrams and several forms of supplemental training. Gregoriades runs through a few of the additional options he has used and their particular benefits, such as the grip-training from rock climbing and the cardiovascular fitness from swimming.

Gregoriades lays out a brief conditioning program consisting of three exercises: hindu push ups, kettlebell swings and the 'tri dog' (swinging your back leg up into the air with your other foot and both your hands on the floor). He then goes into depth on yoga, his favourite supplement, spending several pages discussing why he has dedicated a considerable portion of his training outside of BJJ to various forms of yoga.

He also finds the time to talk about nutrition. I'm not aware of any qualifications Gregoriades has in this area, so for serious consideration of your diet I would strongly recommend a professional, but from my uneducated perspective the advice seems relatively sensible. For example, he suggests cutting out sugar from your diet and eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I'm less certain about intermittent fasting and not eating dairy, but then I say that as someone who absolutely adores cheese. I could probably give up everything else, but not cheese. ;)

Moving into the seventh chapter, 'The Jiu Jitsu Lifestyle' (fifteen pages), Gregoriades muses on the nature of jiu jitsu, sharing some of his thoughts on efficiency, refinement and perception, drawing on his own experiences. That then shifts to a more hard-nosed discussion of competition. The same tone continues through a look at injury prevention and the dangers of overtraining, along with some advice about training and competing in Brazil.

To complete the book, Gregoriades has some Further Resources (sixteen pages). This is a collection of books, DVDs, schools and websites (including my own, which was kind of him). The academy list is interesting, as Gregoriades states at the start that these are schools he personally vouches for, either because he has trained there or has some personal connection to the instructor. His closing 'about the author' section gives you a flavour of what Gregoriades is like:

"It became clear to me that jiu jitsu is a ‘spiritual trip’ - a journey of self-discovery. It takes you to the very limits of your physical and mental capacities and constantly teaches you how to find your way through the world with more efficiency and composure. And most importantly, it helps you connect with your fellow human beings and find new ‘brothers’ that you never knew you had."

While I don't take anything spiritual from jiu jitsu, I found myself strongly agreeing with his description right at the end of the book, where he writes about the Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood. He says that jiu jitsu is a "way of connecting people" and that he seeks to "foster unity within the community of jiu jitsu practitioners and martial artists." I agree and follow a similar goal, through events like the GrappleThon. Jiu jitsu is indeed a wonderful way of bringing people together.

My main criticism of the book would be the price, a hefty $39.95 for an eBook. Even for a large, glossy, full-colour print volume stuffed with photographs, that's at the higher end of the market. Jiu Jitsu University is able to charge that price, but it is twice the size and far more extensively illustrated than The Black Belt Blueprint, as well as being a physical volume. In stark contrast, the Kindle eBooks by Kid Peligro, such as Secrets of the Closed Guard, are less than £7. Having said that, The Black Belt Blueprint is advertised as having a 100% money back guarantee, though I'm not certain of the conditions. You can download it here.

12 January 2014

Book Review - The Godfather of Grappling: Autobiography of Gene LeBell (Bob Calhoun, George Foon & Noelle Kim)

Short Review: If you're into combat sports of any sort and you haven't heard of Gene LeBell, then this book will give you an idea of why he is such a towering figure. LeBell has done it all, met everybody and even remains relevant in MMA today, as one of Ronda Rousey's coaches. This book is stuffed with engaging anecdotes from LeBell's ridiculously eventful life, ranging across boxing, judo, pro-wrestling, films, stunts...the list goes on. He's grappled 700lb black bears, been in films with Bruce Lee and Schwarzenegger, he trained Elvis and he's doubled for Rod Steiger. Even if you don't care about martial arts, something in this book is bound to grab your attention. Available here in the US (or here, in the UK, which is where I bought it from), or from LeBell's site.

Full Review: There aren't many people who could call their autobiography The Godfather of Grappling without hyperbole, but if anything, that title is perhaps underestimating the importance of Gene LeBell. He was born in 1932 and has been in and around combat sports ever since, as his mother was the promoter at the Olympic Auditorium, a famed boxing and wrestling venue in Los Angeles. He trained under catch-wrestling greats like Lou Thesz and Karl Gotch, started boxing at age 11 (when he got to spar a certain Sugar Ray Robinson) and went on to win major judo titles in 1954 and 1955.

LeBell also became a teacher of huge names himself. Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee and Hayward Nishioka were all LeBell's students. As if that wasn't enough, LeBell was the victor of what could arguably be called the first MMA fight in the United States when he faced boxer Milo Savage, after being personally asked to do so by Ed Parker. For good measure, LeBell refereed the infamous bout between Muhammad Ali and Antonio Inoki a decade later.

That's just the martial arts side of things. LeBell was also a popular pro-wrestler, rubbing shoulders with legends like Gorgeous George, 'Classy' Freddie Blassie and Andre the Giant. He has had yet another career as an actor and stunt man: the list of films in which Gene LeBell has been involved would take up a whole book. He's doubled everyone from Rod Steiger to Hulk Hogan. He's been a regular on television too, with repeated work on well-known shows like the original Adventures of Superman with George Reeves, The Fall Guy and The Dukes of Hazzard.

To top it all off, LeBell comes across as a great guy, humble even after all he's accomplished in his life. There isn't just one foreword of glowing praise: he has two, from 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper and Chuck Norris, followed by an introduction by one of the ghostwriters, a Brazilian jiu jitsu blue belt (at least at the time of writing) called Bob Calhoun.

Refreshingly, LeBell makes no pretence that this book is all his own work. He clearly states who his ghostwriters were on the front of the book and makes a point of thanking them by name at several points in the text. None of those introductions/forewords feel sycophantic: they read like the honest words of good friends, a valuable commodity in which LeBell seems to be very rich, judging by this book.

Although there are three ghostwriters and I've never met LeBell (something I'd love to rectify, as he is definitely somebody I'd be extremely keen to interview if I ever get the chance), it feels as though it is his voice throughout the book. Many celebrities biographies have that strained, awkward tone that reveals the obvious hand of a ghostwriter, but that's fortunately far from the case here.

The narrative of The Godfather of Grappling is not entirely linear. Rather, it is a collection of entertaining anecdotes from a man who has led a life sufficiently fascinating fill a book with them (and I have no doubt he's got enough left over for a whole series of books). There are a lot of pictures too, at least one (and often more than one) every few pages, along with colour plates at the back. You also get a partial filmography (which still fills four pages) and a comprehensive index.

To give you a flavour of those anecdotes, here's one of my favourites from p91. LeBell has just described how he headed up a team of American judoka on a tour of Japan, during which they were told they would be promoted if they completed a kata test:

So four of us went down to the Kodokan to learn these katas and be tested on them. Johnny Osako didn't have to go because he was 34 at the time and was considered beyond testing age. Learning all of these katas took some time (about eight hours) and only two of us stuck it out for the full time to learn all of these forms and we both had them nailed. When it was time to be tested, this elderly, Japanese teacher with a big head and even bigger cauliflower ears entered the room.

The Air Force guys all called him "Stink" Sato because he never washed his gi for some reason, but he was the kind of judo man that I had nothing but respect for. We both stood ready for our tests to begin and then the teacher said "Kata's bullshit." That nearly knocked me down as well as any judo throw could have. I didn't even know that he could speak English, but I sure understood what he meant by the word bullshit. "For show only," he continued after that shocking revelation and then he said "Now we fight for degree promotion."

I enjoyed reading about all the many phases of LeBell's life, but my particular interests are Brazilian jiu jitsu and the early history of MMA. LeBell touches on those two topics at numerous points in the book, with the main brief discussion of BJJ appearing on page 76. Interestingly, he keeps referring to MMA events as "get-tough" events, but it isn't pejorative: his respect for MMA - a sport of which he remains a part - is obvious.

The discussion of his treatment by the judo community is intriguing too. LeBell was a judo champion, but was ostracised in the '50s after he became a pro-wrestler. At that time, it was seen as shameful for a judoka to fight for money, the same prejudice that was probably encountered by earlier judo professionals like Mitsuyo Maeda and LeBell's contemporary, Masahiko Kimura.

A few of the anecdotes may be a bit violent for some readers, such as the one about a motorcycle stuntman sadistically blocking LeBell in such a way that it threw LeBell off his seat and his bike went into the air. That bike landed on top of him, breaking several ribs, then he and his bike tumbled down the hill with blood pouring from LeBell's mouth and nose. Practical jokes are one thing (there are whole chapters of them in The Godfather of Grappling, especially the 'swerves' of pro-wrestlers), but that stood out to me as a little more extreme. Having said that, there's a good reason why LeBell is often referred to as "The Toughest Man Alive".

[Note: The Toughest Man Alive also happens to be the title of another Gene LeBell biography, also ghostwritten by Bob Calhoun. However, according to Calhoun (as he relates here), this was illegally published without LeBell's permission. Neither Calhoun nor LeBell have seen a penny from that ill-fated first attempt. The Godfather Of Grappling was a revised draft published shortly afterwards, with LeBell's full involvement and approval.]

As the book was published in 2004, it doesn't discuss some of later developments that would be of interest to people who enjoy reading about BJJ and MMA. LeBell refers to Gokor Chivichyan as his 'top student' numerous times, who went on to found the Hayastan school with LeBell. There is a discussion of how that came about on p236, but 2004 was too early to go into detail on the MMA fighter who is now LeBell and Gokor's most famous student: Ronda Rousey.

Hopefully there will be an updated version of the book some day. For now, you can read LeBell's thoughts regarding Rousey on various sites around the net. He's also got more stories on his own website, To finish off, here's a stylish video commenting on Gene LeBell generally and his seminal proto-MMA fight with Milo Savage specifically:

There's also a decent interview (starts about 12 minutes in) with LeBell from something I would never recommend in general, the Joe Rogan Experience. That's because this poisonous podcast has gradually developed (especially since 2016) into a deeply cynical exercise in shilling for the stinking cesspits of the right wing. As much as Rogan is always claiming he 'talks to everyone', what he actually does is fawn over the Trump aligned right wing and crazy nutjob conspiracy theorists. As soon as somebody sensible from outside that circle makes the mistake of appearing on the show, Rogan switches modes into as much hostlity and derision as he can muster. Rogan's 'hearing' is extremely selective.

All that said, this episode from before the rot really set in does function as an interesting perspective on LeBell. It's even better if you've just finished reading The Godfather of Grappling, which is available here in the US (or here, in the UK, where I bought it from), or from LeBell's site.