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This website is about Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ). I'm a black belt who started in 2006, teaching and training at Artemis BJJ in Bristol, UK. All content ©Can Sönmez
Showing posts with label Barbell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbell. Show all posts

12 August 2016

12/08/2016 - Teaching | Closed Guard | Omoplata (Shoulder Clamp)

Teaching #545
Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 12/08/2016

From the shoulder clamp, it starts the same way as the pressing armbar, shifting off to the side as you extend their arm. Again, it is important to push their head away and down, along with a tight control of their shoulder. Unlike the pressing armbar, you need to free your bottom leg: if that gets stuck, you can push with your free leg to slide it out (but be careful you don't ease up on their shoulder with your arms when doing that).

You may also find that as you bring your leg over their arm they start moving towards you, giving you the space to slide your leg out. As you leg comes over, make sure to bend their arm around your leg, keeping it tight to your body. Sit up immediately, reaching for their far hip: this should trap their bent arm between your hip and their side. If their hips are still up at this point they might be able to use that space to regain posture. Shift your hips away from them until you've knocked them flat (keep hold of their hip).

A great tip from Dónal applies just as you've got your leg into their arm. This gives you a shortcut. Keep pushing into their arm, switching your grip, so that you can reach to grip their trouser leg. You can then punch that out, superman style, while continuing to kick forward into their leg. That knocks them flat, removing any opportunity for them to try and roll out. You can then sit up and grab the hip as before, with relative impunity.

Once you've sat up (or as you're sitting up), point both your feet away from them, knees on the ground. You're now ready to thrust forwards slowly, aiming to tweak their shoulder for the submission. If you miss the submission or simply prefer top position, you can also turn that into a sweep, rolling them over your body. If you don't manage to control their hip or leg, they will roll through anyway. Keep control of the arm, then you should be able to end up on top. If they try to turn away as you go for the omoplata, you might be able to take their back by bringing your head-leg over as a hook.

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If you miss it entirely and they posture back up, turning towards you, swing your other leg into the side of their neck and swivel into a triangle. The omoplata combines well with the triangle, continuing the armbar-triangle-omoplata sequence.


Teaching & Sparring Notes: I almost forgot about the Dónal superman tip, but was reminded by Chris. I'll make sure to emphasise that next time, it's a really useful detail. Other things to emphasise are pointing your feet away and maintaining that grip on the hip. I'd like to play with some follow-ups at some point too: e.g., Karel Pravec shows some cool stuff in his Digitsu app, I need to play with that at open mat on Sunday.

Sparring was good today too, with my continuing crusade to chill out and avoid tensing up. That worked well today, observing what my partner was doing. I ended up with a bizarre submission, trapping their arm with my leg and getting an armbar by pushing their wrist to the side. Not sure how I got there, but I think it was off a kimura grip somehow. Fun! :D

I had an awesome Friday today. My long-term plans are slowly coming to fruition, in this instance my strength and conditioning program. I started with kettlebells last October, and have now added in barbells (with the same excellent coach, David from Strength Lab). Heidi is due to start a yoga class on Fridays too, which would fit in perfectly with my barbell work. Hopefully all that conditioning and flexibility will reduce the niggling injuries I sometimes pick up, especially in my neck, back, knees, wrists and fingers.

A video posted by Can (Jun) (@slideyfoot) on

09 August 2016

09/08/2016 - Open Mat | Triangle & Barbell Deadlift

Class #762
Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 09/08/2016

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There has been a decent turnout at the last few daytime open mats, which is great to see. I spent most of the open mat running through the technique from yesterday with Heidi and Milka, which also gave me an opportunity to emphasise some of the points in general about triangles. As per Ryan Hall, not worrying too much about bringing the arm across is one, prioritising head control is another. I also highlighted staying tight with the legs, to make sure they can't pull their arm free. Then there is the usual pointer about getting your legs over their shoulder, so there is as little of them inbetween your legs as possible, while still having enough that they can't pop out and escape.

We were lucky enough to have a visitor all the way from New Jersey today, an ex-part Brit who is in Bristol for a couple of weeks. He's got good defence in the guard, getting a knee up at the right moment to stuff a number of the open guard attacks I look for. Our roll also served as a good reminder about the omoplata, keeping their arm under control. I had the hip and had shifted off to the side, but forgot to maintain suitably firm control on that arm. He was therefore able to unravel my grip. I couldn't capitalise on a gi tail wrap from closed guard either. I probably should have gone for it with a windscreen wiper sweep, I was being too hesitant. Fun roll, hopefully he comes along again before heading back to the States. Travellers are very welcome here at Artemis BJJ: everybody gets a free week, whether or not you're in Bristol long-term. :)

I also had my first try at lifting barbells, a step up from kettlebells. I've been wary of them for a while, as I'm scared of hurting my back due to my father getting some niggling injuries from weights, but I've also been curious for a long time too. I've long been a huge fan of the old Pumping Iron semi-documentary (as I've mentioned in the past, I say semi because it was partially staged, like the famous t-shirt stealing scene), as well as an avid watcher of Olympic weightlifting.

Rio 2016 has again demonstrated how the weightlifting is among the best events to watch: drama, impressive athleticism and a tactical element I've never noticed before (if you saw the women's under 53kg finals, you'll know what I mean). As I've been able to negotiate my office hours in a way that leaves my Friday afternoon free, I've been considering using that time for more strength and conditioning. David from Strength Lab is clearly psychic: this was all going through my head as I was arriving for kettlebells, whereupon he appeared downstairs at MYGYM, saying that today we were doing barbells. Not only is he a great coach, he can read minds as well! ;)

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Just like kettlebells, there is a lot of technique involved in lifting barbells. We stuck with the deadlift today, presumably the safest one. I need to get my feet roughly by the start of the two rough grip bits on the bar, shins up against the bar. My hands grip just inside my feet, tensing my triceps and packing my shoulders. The hip hinge position is similar to a kettlebell swing, also tensing the abs and driving your toes and heels into the ground. Your weight then rocks back, then lift and thrust your hips, shoulders back. My main error seems to be tilting the bar at the moment, though the weight feels ok.

I was surprised that I was already lifting more than my bodyweight (weighting myself today, I'm 66.7kg according to my home scales), with 70kg in the last bit of lifting. Shame I can't see the little plates next to the big ones due to the angle in the video. Next time, I'll get some side on video as well, which will help my see where I'm making mistakes in my leg positioning, as well as if my hip position is ok.