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This website is about Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ). I'm a black belt who started in 2006, teaching and training at Artemis BJJ in Bristol, UK. All content ©Can Sönmez
Showing posts with label BJJ Globetrotter Winter Camp 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BJJ Globetrotter Winter Camp 2019. Show all posts

05 January 2019

05/01/2019 - BJJ Globetrotter Camp | Winter Camp 2019 | Open Mat

Class #1099
Jugendhotel Wiederkehr, Open Mat, Wagrain, Austria - 05/01/2019

I'll combine all the open mat into one with this post, as Saturday was by far my main open mat training. I did a little on previous days, particularly drilling with Caroline after we went to Mario's off the mat session about drilling. Proved inspiring, so we got together the next morning at 7am, repeating that for most of the camp.

I also had a chance to roll with Mario, mostly working on my back escape. I was trying to move into the panda position Priit teachers, but couldn't fight past Mario's arms to learn forward enough. That's something to play with more, check Priit's videos again too (and possibly pick his brain at the next camp). We also had an interesting discussion about training intensity. It didn't change my mind (I still feel it's best to keep things as calm and relaxed as you can), but Mario made a good point about that Cane Prevost 70% rule. Specifically, what is it 70% of: a high intensity roll, or of your own personal 100%? As in my case those could be very different things, given I never roll with much intensity.

Very pleased that at this camp, I was able to spar with all of my favourite training partners, which IIRC was almost all female (apart from Mario). Karla was tough as always, almost immediately going for a tight choke (though this time at least I was able to escape, unlike Heidelcamp ;D). As ever I was looking for the kimura on everybody. I'm really loving that grip detail on grabbing the belt or gi to free up your hand, very useful!

05/01/2019 - BJJ Globetrotter Camp | Winter Camp 2019 | Mario Hudelist, sitting guard frames

Class #1098
Jugendhotel Wiederkehr, Mario Hudelist, Wagrain, Austria - 05/01/2019

Since the Heidelcamp last year, where I first met Mario (he was at other camps I've been to, but I hadn't had a chance to train with him until later), I've been avidly following his mariodrills Instagram channel. His lesson on guard retention was brilliant, providing me with numerous drills I have incorporated into the warm ups at Artemis BJJ. Therefore the fact he was going to be at Winter Camp was a significant part of the reason I was keen to attend.

Looking at the schedule, I was pleased to see he would again be teaching guard retention. I assumed it would be a repeat of Heidelcamp 2018, which would be cool as I relish the chance to repeat lessons (I'm a huge believer in depth rather than breadth: I'd be happy learning one technique for a year, but most people are more easily bored ;D). However, it turned out even better, as what Mario actually taught was exactly the open guard I use most often: sitting guard with a frame on their shoulder/collar. It could not have been more perfectly suited to my game. Superb!

It also meant I had whole load more drills to test out at Artemis BJJ. Looking forward to next time! I need to carefully rewatch all the video I took before I next teach open guard at my school. So far (I'm writing this up in May, so a few months down the line), I've mainly used his frame switch when teaching. There was a load more though, must review it before open guard (which is coming up in the next month or two, I'm finishing off side control month as I write this).

04 January 2019

04/01/2019 - BJJ Globetrotter Camp | Winter Camp 2019 | Charles Harriott, leglocks

Class #1097
Jugendhotel Wiederkehr, Charles Harriott, Wagrain, Austria - 04/01/2019

This was a repeat of the previous session Charles did at Heidelcamp last year, which he also taught again at my club in Bristol, Artemis BJJ. I don't think that's up on BJJ Globetrotters in Action, but there is a DVD Charles is selling. Well worth it, great class. It was handy to train something I've done a few times before, as insomnia was really kicking my arse this camp. I was almost falling asleep on the mats.

Why is it easier to fall asleep on the mats during the day than in a bed at night? Gah. Hopefully sorting that out when I get home, about time I checked in with my doctor. :)

03 January 2019

03/01/2019 - BJJ Globetrotter Camp | Winter Camp 2019 | Priit Mihkelson, grilled chicken open guard

Class #1095
Jugendhotel Wiederkehr, Priit Mihkelson, Wagrain, Austria - 03/01/2019

I got a lot of training on this at the first Priit mini camp in the UK, so this was a useful refresher. Priit again paid tribute to a 2013 September match between Braulio and Galvao, the original inspiration for the grilled chicken guard. My first attempt at drilling that was slightly over a year ago:

Since then, I have been drilling it quite a lot, although I still prefer my framing sitting guard. Nevertheless, I am keen to keep practicing this, as I haven't yet gotten a handle on it. This session added in some details I'd either forgotten or hadn't noticed before, there will be even more when Priit next comes to the UK in March.

At Winter Camp, he talked about twisting to block certain passes, elbows are still on the mat. Also, framing off their leg when they start to pass and have beaten your legs. Aim the soles of your feet up as they try to pass, using your hands framing on and behind legs to spin and recover your guard. Also, if they are grabbing trousers and using the extension to pass, frame into elbow, weave foot inside, moving to recover your guard. 😀

I'll keep on drilling: Caroline and I immediately drilled this lots after class, along with the following morning. She's a great drilling partner, shame she doesn't live closer to Bristol than...well, Sweden. ;)

03/01/2019 - BJJ Globetrotter Camp | Winter Camp 2019 | Charles Harriott, chokes when they tuck the chin

Class #1094
Jugendhotel Wiederkehr, Charles Harriott, Wagrain, Austria - 03/01/2019

Great stuff, choke painlessly despite chin. There is almost no squeeze in the arms, you just have that as a brace. The power is from the chest. Main difference is that it takes some time, you have to be patient. There was however a video, so the full thing is up on BJJ Globetrotters in Action:

02 January 2019

02/01/2019 - BJJ Globetrotter Camp | Winter Camp 2019 | Christian Graugart, side control top

Class #1093
Jugendhotel Wiederkehr, Christian Graugart, Wagrain, Austria - 02/01/2019

I was quite tired for this, but fortunately it wasn't anything supremely taxing. Essentially, this was similar to the class I teach about maintaining side control, but using different reference points. Rather than the control point framework I talk about in my lessons, Christian built his around certain movements and techniques. Keep them flat, with five points in mind. There's the head, near elbow, near knee, far elbow and far knee. Keep their head looking away.

Then, near elbow, keep it away from his ribs. Keep their knee off mat. Lift, you could also try putting your knee under, weave. Kinda like control points, but more reverse engineering their escape. So maybe you have two, they escape some others. So you adjust. Always thinking about those five points. Think about mechanics, why are you doing that? Like, weird ways to stop them getting elbow to ribs.