Artemis BJJ (Easton Road), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 12/08/2019

Open your guard (when they stand, they are looking to open it and pass. It's better if when you open your guard, it's on your terms rather than theirs), bringing your knees together under their chest. This is the version that Xande refers to as a 'chair sweep', because it looks a little like you are sitting in a chair. I prefer to refer to this family of sweeps as 'ankle grab', with this particularl variation being a double ankle grab, finishing with the knees.
You can also put your feet on their hips, depending on their height and how much leverage you need. Either way, drive those feet or knees into them. That should knock them over if they aren't prepared for the sweep. One advantage of the knees is you can keep squeezing your legs into their sides, which can help you use their momentum as they fall back (but be careful you don't get your feet under them too much, or you might hurt yourself as you hit the floor).
After they've hit the mat, before they can react, come up on your hand and same side knee. Bring your hips forward on that same side. It's much easier if you move in a diagonal direction, rather than trying to go straight forward. Slide your knee on that side to the mat, keeping your hips low, also grabbing behind their head (or collar). From there, you could go to mount, s-mount, side control etc. It is an awkward position, so takes a bit of getting used to. I used a hip thrust drill during the warm-up to help: you can do a technical stand-up from here too if you find that easier, keeping hold of their leg and passing around to the side.
If you're using the feet in hip variation, then you don't end up with your legs entangled. Instead, you can retract your feet as soon as you feel them falling backwards, ready to move straight into a guard pass. This is what I like to do with any sweep that doesn't require my leg to continue pushing. That way, I can get to my passing position and I don't have to vary it by the sweep. Much less confusing if your legs aren't stuck in some random position, like past their hip, around their leg, wrapped in a gi or whatever. ;)
Another option is to grab their trouser leg, generally easy enough as you're already holding their ankle (or alternatively, you could start with a trouser grip instead of an ankle grip). As you come up, also pull their leg into the air. That sets you up for an immediate pass, as well as preventing them from standing.
Teaching Notes: I keep forgetting to do that rock forward and hip thrust as a drill, that would be useful. Also, breakfalling is handy to re-emphasise here. Gripping the trouser leg is another good option, so you can thrust their leg into the air as you stand. So, similarities to standing up from the sickle sweep or tripod sweep.
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