01 March 2016

01/03/2016 - Salsa Souls at Riproar in Bristol | More Turns

Class #013
Salsa Souls (Salsa), Riproar Club, Jo Kryulko, Bristol, UK - 01/03/2016

Good lesson today, as I felt I had a reasonable grasp of the turns. Jo.uad a useful tip on leading the back step too. Although it starts like the mambo, you make it clear by the second step, as you're pushing back again. Also, with the turn out, bring your hand across their body to indicate what you're going to do. On to the turn, which had three variations (no idea what the turn is called though):

Turn 1, Wrist Push

1. Start with normal mambo forward.
2. Usual tap
3. Now it changes. Step forward to the side, into a T. Let go with right hand.
4. Swivel right hand around to their wrist, push across.
5. Keep turning as they turn
6. Keep turning.
7. Return to start, ready to mambo

Turn 2, Right Hand Swoop

1. Start with normal mambo forward.
2. Usual tap
3. Step forward to the side, into a T. Swoop right hand down and across, still holding theirs.
4. Raise right arm through and high, continue turn.
5. Keep turning, careful to adjust if they are taller/shorter
6. Keep turning, backs passing
7. Return to start, ready to mambo

Turn 3, Left Hand Out

1. Start with normal mambo forward.
2. Usual tap
3. Step forward to the side, into a T. Bring left hand out and across, still holding theirs.
4. Raise left arm through and high, wait for them to turn.
5. Turn, careful to adjust if they are taller/shorter
6. Keep turning, backs passing
7. Return to start, ready to mambo

Jo said the curriculum restarts after next week, which is good. I'm looking forward to going through the whole thing and getting thorough notes this time. :)

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