21 February 2016

21/02/2016 - Open Mat | Knee Shield Pass

Class #696
Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Open Mat, Bristol, UK - 16/02/2016

It was a small turnout due to the Bristol Open yesterday, but I did get in a bit of drilling, so that's good. I'm going to go with the staple pass again tomorrow, which is the main one I try against knee shield. I could probably do with some alternatives: the shin-cutter looked like it might be an interesting possibility. Both of those are from Jason Scully, over on the Grapplers Guide, which I've found particularly good on half guard and closed guard.

The only person who really uses the knee shield much at Artemis BJJ is Sam, though he is particularly good with it (and the knee cut from the top too). That means I only really get to practice it when sparring him, which has been fun. I've mostly been trying the staple pass, as well as hooking his knee shield foot with my arm to hold it in place, which sometimes works. Reviewing the staple pass videos and practicing it today, I realised I'd been missing the important staple part of the pass itself. That's where you hook back with your foot to pin their bottom leg.

This should make a big difference against people like Sam, who are good at keeping a small hook with their toes even if you have the rest of them pinned. Removing that foot with your staple could be the key. Hopefully Sam will be there tomorrow so I can test this against somebody good at knee shield, but meh if not, can always do it next time he's in. Sam put in a great performance at the Bristol Open yesterday (4 fights, winning a silver), so I imagine he may not be in for a couple of days. ;)

Ross and Paul both got a bronze, while Simon L managed to win gold in his division. Very cool! I'll get a post sorted for the Artemis BJJ website soon. :)

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