Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 30/11/2015

For what I learned as the sliding choke, you'll have one arm slid under their armpit, the other coming over their shoulder. Reaching to their nearest collar with your armpit hand, open up their gi, then feed the material to your shoulder hand, getting a deep grip, thumb inside with the four fingers on top. Your armpit hand now goes to their other collar and holds it slightly lower down.
To finish the choke, bring the elbow of your shoulder hand back, so that you are curling around their neck. Your armpit hand pulls straight down. The aim of the armpit hand is to take the slack out of their collar, but also to prevent them from turning away to try and escape. To further help with that, make sure you also clamp the elbow of the armpit arm into their ribs. In many ways, the application is like the bow and arrow choke, with similar follow-up attacks available (e.g., armbar etc)
Both hands can twist outwards, following the same principle as a cross choke. Finally, to tighten the choke even more, lean back and drive forward with your hips as you twist your hands and cinch the choke. Also note that if they manage to bridge up and put you onto your back, it will be tough to land the submission. Braulio has an interesting tip, relating to the grip. He uses a thumb in grip, and notes that if you have all four fingers on top, that can limit your reach. To extend your range, you can instead just use two fingers, which enables you to curl your arm around further.
For more leverage, you can roll to the side your shoulder arm elbow is pointing towards. That means you can arch back much further, because you are no longer blocked by the floor. Before you roll, bring the elbow of your shoulder arm slightly back, as if you roll on top of it, you'll lock it in place and find it hard to get the leverage for the choke. If you can't get it tight enough, a good option is to bring your pulling down arm up behind their head, threading past their arm in the process. Keep driving your arm further and further behind their head to get the choke.
Like with the rear naked choke, you can also trap their arms to make things easier for you. Braulio has another nice tip, for when they're blocking your initial hand. If they are trying to grab your hand, then you might be able to counterattack by grabbing their hand and swinging it out. You can then trap it with your leg, tucking your leg behind their back to lock their arm in place. That means you can pretty much attack with impunity.
Teaching Notes: Similar to bow and arrow, bringing the elbow back. I hadn't thought too much about the similarities until doing some more research on videos. With the arm you're pulling down, a good tip from Dave Meyer is to use that to also lock them in place, so they can't turn. You can also put your arm behind, which I find is much easier to apply than the standard version. I could just teach that one instead, I guess? Less confusing?
Great turn-out today: second biggest class we've ever had! Lots of women in class too, which is awesome. I'm pleased that we're now at the stage where it is rare to not have at least one woman in class, normally at least two. That's something I want to keep building. A 50/50 gender split remains the goal. :)
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