Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Open Mat, Bristol, UK - 10/11/2015

We also did what's called a 'shark tank' on Chris, as he is keen to get used to higher intensity rolling in the run up to Hereford. The idea is that you have several people cycle in to spar, doing rounds of a few minutes (I set it to two and a half on the interval timer, might do shorter rounds next time, depending how many people are there). The person in the middle doesn't get a break: as soon as the bell goes, a new person jumps straight in. There were only three of us, meaning Mike and I took it in turns: still worked, but it will work even better with more people, as then the opponents are fresher.
Of course, Chris is in excellent shape (as of last week he's a qualified kettlebell instructor), meaning that the cardio wasn't much of a challenge for him. It's more about getting used to the intensity and regulating your own use of energy effectively, which he did really well. Both Paul and Chris have been working hard in their comp prep: Sunday should be good, as both are meant to be there. That means we can shark tank both of them, as well as doing the usual comp prep rounds.
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