Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 23/09/2015

Open your guard (when they stand, they are looking to open it and pass. It's better if when you open your guard, it's on your terms rather than theirs), bringing your knees together under their chest. You can also put your feet on their hips, depending on their height and how much leverage you need. Either way, drive those feet or knees into them. That should knock them over if they aren't prepared for the sweep. One advantage of the knees is you can keep squeezing your legs into their sides, which can help you use their momentum as they fall back (but be careful you don't get your feet under them too much, or you might hurt yourself as you hit the floor).
Teaching Notes: I forgot to bring in what Ross mentioned last time, about squeezing the legs to use the momentum of the fall. That's a useful tip, so worth adding in. Generally I think people were ok with the sweeping part, but as ever the difficult bit was coming up after the sweep. The intuitive thing to do is push straight forward on both legs and arms, which is difficult and awkward.
To help get the most effective motion, I think doing a drill would help. E.g., having one knee on the ground and the other raised, then pushing through from there. It's a bit like the hip thrust drill I've done before, except you're angled backwards and coming up at an angle.
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