Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 13/05/2015
I see the americana as the classic submission from side control: I'm fond of that technique, as it is one over which you can exert lots of control. However, it does have a reputation of being a technique that is mainly used by stronger people bullying a smaller opponent, so if I'm going to continue viewing it as a core basic submission, I need to keep refining my understanding to make sure it is functional whatever your size.
There are various set ups, but I decided to show how to go for the americana from that strong, orthodox side control position I've mentioned before. To start, you need to isolate their far arm. Often the set up is that they've pushed their forearm up towards you (which is why from an escape perspective, you don't want to be shoving up with your arm and trying to benchpress them). A simple Roger Gracie method is to trap their wrist with your chin, then drive their arm to the mat with your weight. Lift your shoulder slightly to then insert your hand on top of their wrist.
There are different arguments regarding gripping their wrist using your thumb or not. Some feel that having the thumb there provides better control, and that is the instinctive way of holding something. However, most BJJ instructors I've seen describe gripping for the americana advocate a thumbless grip, so that all of your fingers are over the other side of their arm.
That's the direction they want to escape, so that's where you want your strength. It also means you can really push down, rather than squashing your own thumb. Then there's the point Kev at RGA Bucks makes, which is that he feels the thumb can act as a lever for their escape.
Finish by 'painting' the floor with their knuckles, moving their hand towards their legs, lifting their elbow off the floor. You may need to adjust the angle of their arm, depending on how flexible they are. Make sure you don't give them space by their shoulder, or they can relieve the pressure and perhaps begin an escape.
Yet another set-up option crops up if they are pushing you towards their legs. Go a little with their pressure into your neck, leaning away as if that escape attempt is working for them, then turn back towards them, driving their arm to the mat with your bodyweight, head and hand. You can increase the power by switching your legs as you move back, then switching again as your return your weight towards them. Alternatively, you can simply turn your body slightly as they push, with the intention to get enough space to go for their wrist, then push it to the ground, where you can finish as before.
Teaching Notes: I don't think anybody had any major issues with the americana. However, there was a tendency in progressive resistance to link the hands together to block somebody getting the americana, which will work but probably isn't going to be effective as a general defensive position. E.g., you could then attack the neck with relative impunity. That's perhaps something I could show next time if people keep linking hands. It's one of the drawbacks of progressive resistance on specific techniques. People sometimes (understandably) use defences specific to the technique, which would not be viable when all techniques are in play.
As there was enough time, I also included the Roy Dean lockflow. Useful, though the kimura confused people a bit, switching arm configuration. It will make more sense once they've had a chance to use the kimura in guard, north south etc, both of which I could teach next week. Though I'm also considering scarf hold: I'll keep thinking.
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