Artemis BJJ (MyGym), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 04/03/2015

As they have cleared one of your legs, you should be able to then slide that knee behind their head (you might need to post on an arm, but see if you can do it without releasing your seatbelt grip). Sit back and roll them over your knee, then re-establish your second hook (note that in sparring, this will almost certainly be blocked, but that's for another class). You can keep doing that from side to side as a drill.
To go from technical mount to the back, the motion is the same, but you are in a more stable starting position. Simply drop back from technical mount, rolling them over the knee you have near your head. The foot you had by their hip becomes your first hook, so you just need to bring the second hook over. That can be easier said than done, which is why we'll be discussing some methods on getting that second hook into play as part of a future lesson.
Teaching Notes: I'm still thinking how to best structure this one, especially how to follow up. I had to run through basics quickly, as not everyone here had been to Monday (that happens a lot, as I have a lot of students on the once a week rate at the moment). I'm wondering if the technical mount retake is what I should be showing, or if there is something more important I could cover instead? Then again, it's a great technique and I use it all the time, so I don't have any plans to replace it in my curriculum (which is far from a strict curriculum: as I originally intended in 2011, it's becoming a set of lessons I'm confident teaching which I can therefore draw upon in whatever order I think makes sense that month).
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