Artemis BJJ (MyGym/Bristol Sports Centre), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 28/01/2015

After you've driven them flat, wrap around the outside of their leg with your arm, so that their shin is in the crook of your elbow (I think the lower on their shin the better, in my experience). Secure that by gripping the top of their thigh, or their belt/gi if you can reach it. This should prevent them being able to lift your leg with their hook and it also means they can't try and re-hook under your leg as you move around for the pass.
On the side you've just blocked, kick your leg back to remove their hook. Re-insert that knee beside their other foot (so, their instep is next to the outside of your knee), meaning that you have both of your legs on their other shin. From here, there are quite a few different options: the two most basic I'm aware of are either sprawling back then walking around on your toes, or using your free hand to shove their knee down as you move to side control. It's worth experimenting to see which works best for you.
Teaching Notes: I added in a 'heavy hips' drill, where you try to resist that basic 'double underhooks from butterfly and rock back' drill. I threw in a drill for the headstand flip pass too, as that tends to get some laughs at it being more acrobatic. Does work, but not as high percentage, at least in my experience. I think I also just show the shin trap pass with a sprawl next time, as that seems to be the most effective and easiest one to learn. It should also hopefully avoid people leaving much space, as that's a common problem with this pass.
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