Artemis BJJ, (PHNX Fitness Studios), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 14/10/2014
Yesterday, I went through the orthodox method of holding side control, something I see as the basic, 'safe' method for beginners that will give them some control. Today, I wanted to emphasise mobility in side control as well as focused pressure, again drawing on John Palmer's excellent 'control point theory' that I talked about yesterday. Although it can be tempting to just seize up in side control, you have to keep moving. Otherwise, you aren't reacting to your opponent and they're eventually going to escape. The old "it's better to bend than to break" cliche comes to mind.

Teaching Notes: I have a bit longer to play with at our Kingswood location, so I sort of taught one and a half techniques, running briefly through the orthodox side control I taught yesterday. My intention was to flow through the lessons, starting with a warm-up including lots of side control mobility drills, then some work on orthodox side control, a bit of progressive resistance, followed by some longer discussion of hip-to-hip side control.
I then moved into specific sparring from side control, but without using the arms: I especially like using that sparring drill for this hip-to-hip control, as I think it emphasises that hip connection. To finish, some more side control specific sparring (with the arms back in), then free sparring starting from side control. Hopefully helps ingrain some of those concepts. :)
We also found the time to get our ninja on, which is always good. Or at least, we tried to: not entirely successful... ;p
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