Artemis BJJ (Impact Gym), Open Mat, Bristol, UK - 20/09/2014

Practicing it at open mat, I found myself agreeing with Aesopian. The basic mechanics aren't too difficult, especially if you're already familiar with the crucifix. In short, get into the crucifix as normal, base out on your far arm, then do a tight roll over your shoulder, similar to breakfalling. Reach your near arm past their shoulder, aiming to grab their leg. Continue the roll, making sure you still have their arm and leg trapped. They will roll too, due to the pressure on their shoulder.
When you come up, switch the arm you have gripping their leg, putting your original arm over their body for control. Base on your far leg, keeping your near leg closely wrapped on their arm, then bring your hips back. That should torque their arm for the submission. Not a simple technique, but not super-complicated either. We'll see how that goes on Monday: I'm looking forward to it. :)
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