Gracie Barra Bristol, (BJJ), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 24/09/2013
Ok, I'm back from Cornwall! I had a lovely trip in Port Isaac, better known as the Port Wenn of Doc Martin. Unfortunately that did mean I had to miss my favourite session of the week, the 3pm Sunday Study Hall. I'm going to be unable to make it yet again this Sunday, due to work, but if you're a GB Bristol student, be sure to join in the drilling fun! :)
Reason being firstly it's cool, but secondly, Geeza has been threatening on Facebook to cancel it if the study hall doesn't get sufficient numbers (which it normally does: most of the regulars were on holiday when he popped in last week).

Bring your feet right back, threading them around their legs to establish two hooks: this is known as a grapevine. Alternatively, you can also cross your feet underneath, which has the advantage of making it much harder for them to push your hooks off. Your knees are ideally off the ground, to generate maximum pressure. How far off the ground they are depends on your dimensions: the key is getting loads of hip pressure. Another option, which I learned from Rob Stevens at Gracie Barra Birmingham, is to put the soles of your feet together and then bring your knees right off the floor.
Whichever option you're going for, thrust those hips into them, using your hands for base, where again you have a couple of options. Either have both arms out, or put one under the head while the other goes out wide for base. Try to grip the gi material by their opposite shoulder, or even better, by the opposite armpit. Keep your head on the basing arm side, loading up your weight there. If they're bridging hard, you can switch from side to side.
The drawback to the low mount is that there aren't many submissions from there: the ezequiel is one of the few high percentage attacks. In terms of their defence, they are mostly going to be trying to unhook your feet and digging their elbows under your knees, so you'll be battling to keep those in place.
He also recommends against leaning forward, as he feels that gives them more space and leverage to escape. Hence why he leans back instead. Experiment, seeing how holding the head works for you versus leaning back. I think Saulo’s method requires more experience, and personally I feel unstable there, but as ever, I want to offer students choice whenever possible.

Teaching Notes: I felt fairly happy with how it went today, so this feels like a workable lesson now. I'm still not sure the Saulo 'ride the horse' option is something many people use, but it doesn't take long to add in. I tried to make a conscious effort to avoid overteaching, which seemed to help the timings, but I think I could still be more efficient when demonstrating. The main habit I need to avoid is repeating it over and over again: better to go through it twice at most, then ask if anybody wants to see it another time.
Next time, I think I'll emphasise that you can remove that hand from under their head to base out if they try to bridge you, as a few people were getting rolled and not basing. Also, some of the bigger guys were wary of putting their weight fully on their training partners: that's good in that it shows consideration on their part, but it is important to note that there's nothing wrong with using your weight. If you're muscling, that's different, but weight distribution is totally fine IMO.
It was also cool to get a visitor: Mike has trained in Hong Kong and Korea (Busan specifically, which made me wonder if he knew John Torres. Classic "You're from [insert huge country]? Do you know [insert random person]" question). I look forward to chatting to him more about his experiences over there. ;D
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