Gracie Barra Bristol, (BJJ), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 13/10/2011
Two exciting developments from the BJJ blogosphere this week. First off, Aesopian has just released his new gi survey. The questions have been carefully sculpted, so the results from this should prove very interesting. However, to get good results, lots of people need to fill it in. So, make sure you head over to the survey.
Secondly, Seymour from Meerkatsu has released his Honey Badger rashguard for pre-order. Bright colours, sublimated print and Seymour's famous design stylings have resulted in this (looks like you can get hold of it internationally, as they're on BudoVideos among other places).
In my previous lesson on maintaining side control, I went through some basic grips, along with a bit on scarf hold. This time round, I wanted to talk about north-south, as that is my personal favourite transition. I not a big fan of knee-on-belly myself, but planned to cover that as well: not only is it a good transition, it's meant to be ideal for small people like me, so a handy chance to practice.

As always with top positions, you must make sure you are maximising the weight you're driving into them. Stay on your toes as you walk around, also establishing solid grips with your hands. Press your chest down to turn their head to one side: that is a good general rule of thumb from top position, as if you can turn their head to one side, it is tough for them to turn their body in the other direction.
As ever, there are numerous ways you can grip in this position. A common option is to basically flop your upper body onto their head, bringing your knees in. My personal preference is to move off to one side of the head, driving my weight onto their shoulder, my head low and pressing down, sprawling back with my legs.
You can also experiment with various grips. The most basic is probably grabbing under their shoulders and reaching for their belt, then pulling them in towards you. You could also try putting your elbows into their armpits, or maybe wrap up an arm, perhaps sliding your arm under the head. Another common approach is to have one arm over their arm, while the elbow of your other arm digs into their armpit.
The best place to learn about maintaining the north-south probably isn't BJJ: its parent art judo is much better at pins. In judo, the orthodox north-south is called 'kami shiho gatame', with lots of variations. For example, the picture on the left shows three options mentioned in an old instructional book from 1952, Higher Judo: Groundwork, by Dr Moshé Feldenkrais (not only a good judoka, but an engineer, physicist and founder of the eponymous 'Feldenkrais Method').
Along with scarf hold and north-south, the other major subposition of side control is knee on belly. To pop up there from a standard side control, as before you want to clear their elbow out of the way. That also helps you make lots of space to put the knee through. Establish a grip behind their head. Drive the knuckles of that hand into the mat, keeping hold of the back of their collar. You other hand presses on their hip, until you can hop your knee onto their stomach. An alternative is to grab their belt near the far hip, then bring your elbow back, which blocks the leg.
Once you've got up to knee on belly, move your hip hand to pull up on their knee, while your first hand stays behind their collar. Straighten that out, to make it more difficult for them to turn: your arm will be pressing into their head. You can then pull up with that collar grip too, bending them around your knee.
Although this position is commonly known as knee-on-belly, or sometimes knee-on-stomach, there are different schools of thought as to where exactly you should place the knee. For example, Roger's father Maurição is well known for his crushing knee-on-chest. He recommends angling the knee up into their sternum, which is a lot less pleasant.
Nice post Slidey. Side control and north-south are my two favorite go-to positions. I especially like the advice about anchoring the hand flat on the mat. I haven't really been a big fan of reading about BJJ technique because I find technique very hard to put into words, but yours is probably some of the best I've come across. I will definitely be visiting your blog on a more regular basis.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words: I'm always pleased to hear I've been able to help!
ReplyDeleteI agree it is tough to learn much about technique purely through text. Despite the fact I write reams of text about technique, personally I tend to learn a lot better from DVDs than books. Though obviously the best place to learn is in class, which should always be the first port of call. :)
Sorry to have missed the class Can. It'll sound like a ridiculous excuse but I had a flu jab yesterday and by the evening couldn't lift my arm higher than parallel to the ground. Never had such a stupid reaction to a little needle prick before. What's your plan for next week?
ReplyDeleteNo worries Mike. Next week, I'm finishing off side control with attacks, this time submissions you can hit in transitions to north-south.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the plug!