RGA High Wycombe, (BJJ), Sahid Khamlichi, High Wycombe, UK - 23/11/2010
Sahid continued with guard, this time from the top, beginning with a guard break. After you've got the initial double grip on the collar, use your other hand to block their attempts to grab your collar. If they reach for it, hold their sleeve and shove that into their hip. You can then lean over slightly in the other direction, then step up your sleeve-grip side knee. You've trapped their arm, so they can't slip their hand under to set up sweeps.
Lean back in the other direction and step up your other leg in order to stand. Immediately move that leg back, as their other hand is free to try and underhook it. Grab their trouser leg on that side, then step backwards with your leg, pivoting around the sleeve-grip side foot. As you move round in a circle, wiggle your hips. This is surprisingly effective at dislodging their locked feet, as that rattling motion is very uncomfortable on the ankles and instep.
Next, you can move into a guard pass from combat base. Sahid emphasised that you don't want to just sit there in combat base, but immediately drive your raised knee over their same side leg, pinning it. Put their other leg up on your shoulder reaching through for their opposite collar, crush their knee towards their face, then slip around to side control (so, the leg pin pass).
Interestingly, Sahid sat in combat base with both his knees pointing forward, rather than one forward the other to the side, with the back foot tucked behind. As he mentioned, that is probably part of the reason he developed a quick transition from combat base straight into a pass, rather than pausing in their guard (though either way, it's a good idea to begin passing as soon as possible).
Sparring wasn't as much about being squashed under side control as usual, so no more work on the running escape today. I still ended up there, naturally, where I need to be careful of my neck, especially quick people who are good at moving towards the back: there were a couple of times where I had to dislodge a grip I should have blocked earlier. At another point, I was able to lock in the triangle from under side control, and tried to focus on attacking their free arm: not much luck, however.
My next sparring partner had an injury to their leg, so we were going a bit lighter. I spent most of it on top in side control, looking to be slow and steady. He almost recovered half guard a couple of times, so I pushed the bottom leg with my foot to free myself before it was locked in (being careful to check his leg was ok in the process). I eventually moved through to the step-over triangle, but again couldn't isolate that arm like I wanted, this time from the opposite position.

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