Full Review: Cindy Omatsu was the first non-Brazilian woman to achieve the rank of black belt, promoted by Rigan Machado. She was also, as far as I'm aware, the first woman of any nationality to release a Brazilian jiu jitsu instructional DVD. Her assistant is a certain Felicia Oh, who would receive her own black belt not long afterwards, and has since grown to be one of the most successful women in the sport.
This DVD set is supposed to be the Brazilian jiu jitsu installment of a series entitled Vicious Vixens. There are other DVDs covering muay thai and MMA, featuring Lisa King and Debi Purcell respectively. Presumably the reason for the somewhat dubious name are the female teachers, but fortunately that is the only example of women being treated differently than men on the DVD (or at least that's true for Omatsu's contribution: I haven't seen the others).
Omatsu splits her instruction across the four DVDs by level, beginning with 'Basic BJJ', then 'Beginner', 'Intermediate' and 'Advanced.' Each DVD is between forty to fifty minutes long, divided into various sections, normally based around a particular position.

Basic BJJ (forty-two minutes) certainly lives up to its billing. Omatsu starts from the absolute fundamentals, showing the viewer how to tap. She then moves on to what she feels are the four basic positions: the guard, side control, mount and back mount. I particularly liked the way this was all logically connected, passing the guard into side control, then transitioning to mount, before taking back mount as your opponent rolls to their stomach.
Guard is described as a neutral position, but noting that the person with their legs around you has a slight advantage, due to the possibility of sweeping and submitting. I feel a lot more comfortable in guard, but I imagine there are plenty of instructors who would insist that it is always better to be on top, including in the guard.
After about five minutes, Omatsu follows with some warm-up drills, again making certain to cover off the absolute fundamentals. That means she has Felicia Oh shrimp up and down the mat (though Omatsu prefers the term 'hip escape', which is fairly common), before adding in a useful complication.
Rather than just shrimping against thin air, Omatsu stands above Oh and walks up the mat with her. That means that the shrimping motion is put into practical context, something which is all too easy to forget when you've done it a hundred times at the start of every lesson. This is also something Rich Green used to do when I was at Combat Athletics.
The mechanics of the triangle, bridging, shoulder rolls and leg circles complete the basic drills, taking the DVD to the fourteen minute mark. Leg circling possibly requires a bit more explanation, as not every club I've been to does it: the idea is to practice establishing hooks from spider guard, circling around the arm. As with shrimping, Omatsu demonstrates the application from open guard.
Omatsu dubs her next section 'Basic Techniques', though this is less specific techniques than outlining the fundamental motions and postures in BJJ. Omatsu keeps to the positional hierarchy she laid out earlier, beginning with the guard. Omatsu shows the importance of good base and proper posture, including squeezing your knees into their hips to stop them moving. She also reiterates essential tips like always keeping either both arms in or out of the guard.

Side control is up next, covering the correct posture both on top and underneath the position. The key is keeping your weight on your opponent, rather than on your hands and knees. Omatsu's preferred variation of side control appears to be a knee up to block their hip, with the other leg back to increase the downward pressure. She also demonstrates how to cross-face.

The last few minutes are spent on back mount. Sticking within the 'basic' remit, Omatsu simply lets her opponent roll under mount, then inserts her hooks as Oh turns around. Rather than locking her hands together as in Gracie Combatives, she takes advantage of the gi and secures a collar grip, using that to help point Oh towards the ceiling.
As that previous DVD documented the basic postures and movements, Beginning BJJ (fifty-two minutes) can get right into submissions. Omatsu begins with the armbar from mount, assuming that your opponent makes the beginner error of pushing up on your chest with their arms. You can then simply post on their chest, spin, and slide down the arm, before dropping back to apply the joint lock.

For the choke from mount, Omatsu does not show the straightforward cross choke you might expect. Instead, she grabs one collar, then circles her other arm around. This is the style Roger Gracie normally uses, and also seems to result in a more stable base, as you don't immediately commit both your arms. Omatsu emphasises getting your knees up their body first, so that you're away from the bridging power of their hips.
In a technique mainly specific to sparring in class from the knees, Omatsu then demonstrates how to pull guard into a scissor sweep, building on pulling guard in the previous DVD. There are a fair few people who dismiss sparring from the knees as unrealistic, but it nevertheless remains a constant at most BJJ classes, due to space and safety considerations if nothing else. Also, there is the JohnnyS argument, which is that you can use techniques from the knees if you find yourself in a scramble, among various other situations.

Throughout the DVD, Omatsu will run through each technique several times from a few different angles. As she does so, she'll also add in further details, such as here, where she notes you can pull them in with your legs to initially break their posture.

She follows up with a pass, sitting on the leg, backstepping, blocking the hip with her hand then moving into side control. Though I'm not fond of the preceding guard break, it is nevertheless very clearly explained in combination with the pass. Omatsu shows the viewer three different angles, carefully pointing out hand position, legs and grips.

The first submission is an omoplata from guard. This also provides Omatsu with the opportunity to highlight the importance of following through when doing a drill, and that you need to be working out with a partner on the mat, to facilitate resistance training. It is a point worth repeating, particularly with the proliferation of online training programs over the last couple of years.
She moves on to a triangle, before combining that into a sequence with the armbar and omoplata. If they pull their arm out of the armbar attempt, you can swivel around their other arm, moving into an omoplata. Omatsu traps the arm at a right angle by pulling it across her leg, grabbing their belt, then clamping her other arm on top in the process. Should they attempt to posture up out of that, Omatsu swivels back, locking in a triangle.

Having covered sweeps from the knees, Omatsu then demonstrates several against a standing opponent. Strangely for an intermediate DVD, one of those is a basic ankle grab. Categorisation is always difficult, but I'm not quite sure why she left this until intermediate. Either way, it does give her a chance to make an important point: "when your opponent is grabbing you, you want to grab back. You don't want to let them control you."

The fourth and last DVD, Advanced BJJ (forty-seven minutes) kicks off with eight and a half minutes of takedowns. As far as I can tell, these draw more on wrestling than judo, based around a single leg, but then my takedown knowledge is quite poor.
Omatsu progresses to submissions from side control, starting with an arm triangle if they try to shove their arm up into your neck. She shifts into scarf hold after that, developing another attack sequence, which encompasses five different options.
Again, much of what Omatsu shows on these four DVDs are techniques I have seen in class, with the same set-up. That continues when she shows a choke from technical mount, as a response to her partner rolling away from her in side control. This is the same submission Kev has taught a few times in class, meaning that Omatsu's instructional is an ideal way for me to review techniques I already know, but want to refine. As with Kev, Omatsu finishes by applying an armbar, if for some reason the choke isn't working out.
The second sweep is more standard, off an omoplata, after which Omatsu describes a few grip breaks if you're having trouble completing the armbar. Some are relatively standard, like moving in a semi-circle to loosen their grip, while others are more risky, like kicking it loose with your foot. To finish, Omatsu narrates a couple of armbar escapes, which Felicia Oh demonstrates step by step.
It is a shame this set is no longer easy to find, as the first two DVDs are excellent for beginners. I especially liked the fundamental nature of the opening video, which was well complemented by the selection of techniques in the second DVD. It is also refreshing to see a female black belt teach on a BJJ DVD: hopefully others will follow suit, as this series is now five years old. There are plenty of prominent women in BJJ today, like Hillary Williams, Lana Stefanac and indeed Omatsu's old training partner Felicia Oh, all of whom could no doubt produce a decent instructional.
I never heare of Cindy before, thanks for enlightening me on this pioneer of female bjj.
ReplyDeleteI found her DVD while looking for a copy of Rigan's Triangle DVD. I can't find any for sale. If you know of any please post. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteYes, this a great set of DVDs. I have been using it for the past 4 years for re-training with certain techniques. Felicia Oh's demonstration is also excellent on the entire set. I have been looking for mre DVD's and instructionals from Cindy, Felicia, and their colleagues but the endeavor has been frustratingly unsuccessful.
ReplyDeleteAnyone is looking to buy these DVDs individually can find them in stock and ready to ship at Century Martial Arts. I have used them before and they are great with placing orders and service.
Copy and paste this exact address:
Cindy is terrific. I have had the pleasure of training with her recently @ Rigan Machados.
Cindy is awesome..She's one of my teachers at Rigan Machado's academy in LA and as my skill has grown, its been my pleasure to actually roll with her..Thanks for the review Slidey..
ReplyDeleteShe certainly seems cool from the DVD: IMO, the relaxed, friendly style of teaching adds a lot to the set. :)
ReplyDeleteIf you ever get the chance to ask, it would be interesting to know if she has any idea who the first female black belt in BJJ was, which is something I and various other bloggers have been discussing here for some time now.
I think Cindy was the first non-Brazilian female black belt, but I'm not sure about the first female black belt ever. Current most likely options seem to be:
1. Patrícia Lage, who was competing as a black belt at the 1998 Brasileiros, according to the IBJJF.
2. Kim Gracie (Rickson's ex wife), who might have been a black belt in 1997
3. Karla Gracie, according to the April 1997 issue of Black Belt Magazine.
There's also EMily Kwok's instructional available nowadays, gi and nogi.
ReplyDeleteYep, the ones she did with Stephan Kesting. I have the gi one: lots of good stuff on there, although I wasn't keen on the way it's organised (a kind of '5 favourite moves' thing). I like the straightforward structure of either position (mount, back, side control etc), or something similarly specific, like sweeps, submissions, passes etc.
DeleteThere are also a few women teaching on BJJ Library, which is really good to see. I've got some useful material out of the Mackenzie Dern series on there, they've also got Luiza Monteiro on BJJ Library. The other one I'm aware of is Dominyka Obelenyte, who has a short on-demand series about the spider guard.
It would be interesting to know if there are any others. So many awesome female instructors out there now: here at Artemis BJJ, we're having ATOS black belt Chelsea Bainbridge-Donner down for her second seminar, then I have another seminar planned with a top female brown belt later in the year. Looking to get some UK female higher belts booked in too. :D